Academic Writing Workshop: Effective Academic Writing -Pros and Con
Academic Writing Workshop: Effective Academic Writing -Pros and Con
The postgraduate program of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an Academic Writing Workshop on August 19, 2023. This activity had the theme "Effective Academic Writing: Pros and Con". The speaker in this event is Assoc. Prof. Salami Monsurat Ayojimi., PhD (Associate Professor at the Department of Real Estate Development Management Faculty of Applied Sciences Ankara University, Turkiye) that moderated by Nur Hidayah, Ph.D (former Head of Islamic Banking Master Program). She explained how to choose the right journal to publish our research articles. She also explained that authors must be able to detect predatory journals, fake journals, and cloning journals. There are several ways of detecting predatory journals, fake journals, and cloning journals. This activity aims to improve the ability to write scientific articles for postgraduate students. So that it is hoped that the output target of postgraduate student publications can be achieved.