Academic Writing Workshop Series 2: How to Build a Strong Literature Review
Academic Writing Workshop Series 2: How to Build a Strong Literature Review
On the second day of the workshop, August 15 2023, the postgraduate program raised the topic of how to compile and present a good literature review in a scientific article. The resource person on the second day was Prof. Jaka Sriyana, SE., M.Si, Ph.D (Editor in Chief Economic Journal of Emerging Markets/Professor at the Islamic University of Indonesia) moderated by Dr. Sofyan Rizal, M.Si (Head of Islamic Banking Master Program). Prof. Jaka explained how to compile a good literature review for writers, namely by describing the development of previous research results, explaining the strengths and weaknesses of the latest research results, building a state of the art of the topic to be researched and declaring the scientific contribution targets of the research to be carried out. Based on a survey conducted with participants regarding feedback on this activity. 56% of respondents said they were very satisfied, 39% were satisfied, and 5% were quite satisfied. So that overall this activity was declared in accordance with the expectations of the participants.