Andri Subagja, Syifa Zahra Camilla, Ahmad Faris Mu’tashim Won 3rd Place in the Airlangga Capital Market Research Competition 2022
Thursday, October 27, 2022. The student of FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta won 3rd place in the Capital Market Research Competition held by KSPM Airlangga University. With the theme “GEN Z : Be a Smart Investor for a Brighter Future”. They are Andri Subagja (Development Economics Study Program 2019), Syifa Zahra Camilla (Development Economics Study Program 2019), and Ahmad Faris Mu’tashim (Sharia Economics Study Program 2020).
This competition was participated by 28 team representatives from all universities in Indonesia. The competition is carried out by making an equity research analysis of the stocks in the LQ45 index. And for the top 8 team, will compete in the final round by making a presentation video of the equity research analysis paper. In this competition, they make an analysis of PT Barito Pacific Tbk.
In the final result, The teams who represented GIS FEB UIN Jakarta were able to win the 3rd place. With this success, it is hoped that all students in the Faculty of Economics and Business can be motivated by this achievement. And can show that the Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Jakarta is able to show off in national level competitions held by state institutions.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Si as the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta expressed his highest appreciation and appreciation for their achievements. This success is an extraordinary achievement that was achieved by the cadres of the Sharia Investment Gallery of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Hopefully this achievement can continue to be improved in the future.