Benchmarking Talks ELC UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta X CEDS Universitas Indonesia
On Saturday, September 25, 2021, the ELC UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta conducted a comparative study or known as the Benchmarking Talks work program with the Center for Entrepreneurship Development & Studies (CEDS) Universitas Indonesia with the theme “Becoming a Young Entrepreneur through Relations, Innovation, and Exchange. of Ideas". The theme of this event is in line with the aim of knowing the collaborative work program of SMEs/NGOs from outside institutions that have the same domain as ELC, namely entrepreneurship, which aims to learn about each other's performance processes and explore real and empirical information for comparison. who then entered to find applicable updates in the plans of each organization going forward.Comparative Study was held through a web conference platform – Zoom meeting.
The objectives of this activity were:
1. The next management can add insight/thoughts to create an innovation program for the next period
2. Between ELC LSOs and other LSOs, it is hoped that they can cooperate in the process of improving or branding their organizations
3. Adding new insights or knowledge that is shared as well as being a lesson for other ELCs and LSOs
The comparative study program which started from 13.00 WIB to 15.35 WIB was started with the opening by Chici Fitria, a FEB student majoring in Management, Class of 2020 and Fauzan Azmi, a student of the Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Indonesia Batch 2020 as Master of Ceremony who also guided and led the reading of the opening prayer for the event went smoothly.
The next session, there was a speech from the chairman of the Benchmarking Talks event, namely Rachma Dini, an FEB student majoring in Accounting, Class of 2019. Then, continued with remarks from Budi Santoso as General Chair of the LSO ELC Faculty of Economics and Business for the 2020-2021 Period as well as remarks and advice from Dr. Indo Yama, S.E., M.A.B. as the supervisor of LSO ELC UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In addition, the next agenda was a speech from Akhmad Rafif Thufail as the General Chair of CEDS, University of Indonesia. Then, the activity continued with a group photo session.
The next agenda is the presentation of the departmental or divisional organization that explains information about each meaning of the name of the association, an explanation of each bureau and department owned and presented by each representative of the chairman and deputy chairman of the organization, starting with the presentation of the flagship work program of the LSO. ELC UIN Jakarta then continued with the presentation of CEDS UI's flagship work program.
After that, it was continued with focus group discussion (FGD) activities by each bureau and department between ELC and CEDS through a web conference-zoom meeting platform starting from 14.20 WIB until 15.05. This discussion was divided into 4 rooms, namely Room 1 containing the Chair, Deputy, Secretary, Treasurer of ELC X CEDS, Room 2 containing the Operations Department of ELC X CEO CEDS (Entrepreneurship Community & Entrepreneurship Development), Room 3 containing the HR Department of ELC X HRD CEDS (Human Engagement & Performance Maintenance) and room 4 contains the Marketing Department of ELC X PR CEDS (Creative Media & Communication Affairs).
In this FGD, each department room will discuss in more detail the job description, what are their work programs, and the progress they have made during their management period, especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. Each department also shares with each other to find solutions if they are facing difficulties during their management and are expected to be able to exchange information and gain new knowledge that can be used as evaluation and inspiration for the organization's next journey.
After the Inter-division Focus Group Discussion (FGD) session, the activity participants were directed to return to the big zoom room to proceed to the next agenda, namely the question and answer session (QNA) which was intended for all if there were those who felt they did not understand the presentation of each division and if would like to know more about the work program or agenda between the two Organizations. This event is also interspersed with quizzis games which will choose 2 winners from the game to enliven the event and strengthen the relationship between ELC and CEDS. Then, the Benchmarking Talks event was closed with the distribution of souvenirs in the form of virtual certificates from the two organizations. In addition, the General Chairperson of each organization delivered a closing statement on the implementation of this very useful event. "This meeting is the beginning where in the future we can stay in touch with each other and can build events together," said Sari Ichtiari as Deputy Chairperson of the Center for Entrepreneurship Development & Studies (CEDS) University of Indonesia. After that, continued with the reading of prayers by Sulthon Awal Barkah and closing from the MC. Thus, the Benchmarking Talks event ended at 15.35 WIB. With this Comparative Study, according to the theme, "Becoming A Young Entrepreneur Through Relations, Innovation, And Exchange Of Ideas", it is hoped that it can add insight in organization, increase relationships, and be able to increase innovation for each organization.