Saturday, July 23, 2022, one of the LSOs from the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, namely the Entrepreneur Learning Center (ELC) held a Business Case Study with the theme "Business Grow Up in The Transition Era of Covid-19". This activity begins by dividing all members of ELC 2021 into 10 analysis groups who will discuss case studies with the main problem "Generating and Developing Business in the Covid-19 Transition Period". Each group that has been determined has the freedom to analyze to choose the object of study in the form of companies and SMEs. The final results of the analysis will be visualized through informative infographics and ready to be distributed to the general public through the Instagram Stories of each member.

This Business Case Study activity was opened with a technical meeting led by Maulinda Nur Latipah Zahra and Fatimah Azzahrah, a FEB student majoring in Management. This Technical Meeting was attended by each group representative to know and understand the technical activities in a more detailed and communicative manner because a question and answer session was provided about understanding the Business Case Study. This activity was carried out virtually through the Google Meet application and started at 19:30 WIB which was attended by 14 participants.
The committee provides an estimated processing time after the technical meeting until Sunday, August 7, 2022. This time is used by each group to collect information, visualize it into an infographic, then upload it to the Google Drive file that has been provided and share it through the Instagram Story of each member .

After the collection stage, the infographic results were continued to the assessment stage by 2 judges, namely Dewi Rahmawati, a FEB student majoring in Management and Siti Rohmah, a FEB student majoring in Accounting. The assessment is based on 3 criteria, namely the originality of the work, the content of the infographic, and the design of the infographic.
Then on Thursday, August 11, 2022, based on the assessment made by the jury, the committee determined the winner of this Business Case Study activity. 1st place was won by Group 8 and 2nd place was won by group 4. The announcement of the winners was delivered through the WA Group Start Up Class.
The infographic works created by the winners are, first from a group of 8 consisting of Alan Subagio, Amirah Zahra Al Jannah, Andika Priambodo, Jasmine Sylvi Khadija, Maulinda Nur Latipah Zahra, and Muhammad Rozaan Dzakir by discussing Waroeng Steak & Shake innovations to survive in the future. Covid-19 transition. then group 4 consisting of Aditya Putra Dedi Pratama, Mira Rahma Sari, Muhammad Ali, Muhammad Ilham, and Muhammad Ziyyad Izzuddin by discussing the Kopi Promise Soul business.

With the announcement of the winner, this series of Business Case Study events has ended. We hope that what has been obtained in this activity of analyzing a business can add insight and be useful for the lives of participants, especially the 2021 internal ELC batch.