Two FEB Students Pass in Certified Risk Associate Certification
Two FEB Students Pass in Certified Risk Associate Certification
Good news came from two Development Economics students, Andri Subagja and Rafli Akbar Mustapa who were declared competent in the Certified Risk Associate (CRA®) certification scheme by the Capital Market Professional Certification Institute (LSPPM) with a training provider through my Certification. Andri Subagja and Rafli Akbar Mustapa are also as cadres of the Sharia Investment Gallery FEB UIN Jakarta. Certified Risk Associate (CRA®) is a competency certification scheme held by LSPPM with the Middle Risk Management sector. The entire training and competency test learns about ISO 31000:2018 which is a global risk management standard adopted by various corporations. Andri Subagja and Rafli Akbar Mustapa previously received the CRA Training Scholarship from my Certification and finally proceeded to the competency test. Certified Risk Associate (CRA®) is one of the many risk management certifications and is the beginning of the next level of the scheme, namely Certified Risk Professional (CRP®).