Management Students, successfully Passed and Competently in the Associate Wealth Planner (AWP) Certification Exam
Management Students, successfully Passed and Competently in the Associate Wealth Planner (AWP) Certification Exam
  The good news came from two students of the Management study program, Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Jakarta, who successfully passed and were competent in the Associate Wealth Planner (AWP) certification. The two students are Reza Diofanda (2019 Management) who is the general chairman of the Sharia Investment Gallery (GIS) and Budi Santoso (2019 Management) who is also the general chairman of the Entrepreneur Learning Center (ELC). This AWP program certification is a comprehensive digital-based financial planning training with Indonesian FSPB standards. In this modern era, it is necessary for all people to have good financial foundations and arrangements. There are many plans and budgets that must be prepared in the future such as budgets, debt management, pension funds, emergency funds, education funds, and others. Therefore, with students who are competent in financial planning through the Associate Wealth Planner certification, it is hoped that they can become reliable financial planners and can help others in solving their financial problems. Vice Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation FEB UIN Jakarta Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Si, CRA®, CRP®, CIB®, CPF, AWP congratulated Reza Diofanda and Budi Santoso for the achievements (Management 2019). This achievement proves that FEB students have reliable competencies and are able to compete in the financial sector.