The Faculty of Economics and Business held an International Community Development and Collaboration Program in the Southern Thailand Region to enhance international network collaboration. This program will be held in the Southern Thailand Region on 31 May - 4 June 2023. The implementation of the International Community and Collaboration Program is facilitated by the Consulate of the Republic of Indonesia in Songkhla, Thailand.
This program targets Muslim communities in the Southern Thailand Region. The Faculty of Economics and Business delegation has seven members, led by Cut Erika Ananda Fatimah, MBA, and Dr. Yuke Rahmawati, MA. Another member of the delegation is Dr. Riris Aishah Prasetyowati, Dr. Endah Meiria, Dr. Prilla Kurnia Ningsih, Dwi Nuraini Ihsan, MM, and Aini Masruroh, MM. This program is expected to be implemented continuously every year.