Tax Review Vol. 2 : Effectiveness, Urgency, and Implementation of NIK as NPWP
Saturday, 29 October 2022 – The UIN Jakarta Tax Center together with the Directorate General of Taxes of the Banten Regional Office held a Tax Study Webinar Vol. 2 with the theme "Effectiveness, Urgency, and Implementation of NIK as NPWP". The purpose of holding this Webinar is as a means to increase understanding and valid information related to regulations for using the National Identity Number (NIK) as a Taxpayer Identification Number (NPWP), and to find out its Effectiveness, Urgency and Implementation, as well as to know and understand the impact it has from the regulation on the use of NIK as NPWP more broadly and clearly.
Tax Review Webinar Event Vol. This 2 was carried out through a Zoom Meeting which started at 09.00 WIB until 11.40 WIB. The event began with an opening by the MC, Risma Damayanti. Then, it was continued with the reading of the Kalam Illahi by Muhammad Farhan Arfan. Then proceed with singing Indonesia Raya. After that, there was a speech from Farhan Firmansyah as chairman of the UIN Jakarta Tax Center. Then there is a documentation session for all participants guided by the operator. Tax Review Webinar Vol. 2 was attended by approximately 122 participants consisting of various backgrounds, ranging from the general public, students from several tertiary institutions throughout Indonesia, and also several government agencies also participated in this Webinar. This event also invited several Tax Centers under the auspices of the DJP Banten Regional Office.
The main event was a material presentation and question and answer session guided by the moderator, Raden Panji Rangga Prasetyo. Resource persons on the Tax Study Vol. 2 This is Mr. Agus Puji Priyono as the Tax Extension Functional Young Expert Regional Office of DGT Banten. With his knowledge and experience, Mr. Agus delivered the material very clearly and completely, so that the participants in the Tax Study Vol. 2 enthusiastic in participating in the Webinar. This was proven by the high enthusiasm of the participants to ask questions during the question and answer session.
Then the event continued with the awarding of an e-Certificate to the resource person, namely Mr. Agus Puji Priyono, as well as the awarding of an e-Certificate to Raden Panji Rangga Prasetyo as the moderator at the Tax Study Webinar Vol. 2 this time. Next, there is a closing prayer read by Brother Aditya Putra Dedi Pratama. After closing with a prayer, the series of events on the Tax Study Vol. 2. The event was closed at 11.40 WIB by Sister Risma Damayanti as the MC.
The conclusions from the Tax Study Webinar Vol. 2 with the theme "Effectiveness, Urgency, and Implementation of NIK as NPWP" namely the importance of a Single Identify Number to increase Taxpayer compliance (Cooperative Compliance) with a sustainable tax revenue outcome. The urgency of using the NIK as a NPWP is to move towards an Advanced Indonesia in 2045 with a demographic bonus & Tax Reform Volume III (Biggest). For the implementation of these changes, synergy and collaboration between institutions is needed, as well as the expansion of ILAP and needs to be supported by the deployment of PSIAP in 2023, as well as interoperability between institutions so that the use of NIK as NPWP is effective.
Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation of FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Sc welcomed the collaborative activity with the Banten Regional Office's Directorate General of Taxes. This collaborative activity has been established for a long time, and is currently in the process of extending the cooperation agreement between UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and the Directorate General of Taxes. Hopefully this collaborative activity can continue to be developed in various other activities that are contributive to the two institutions.