Tax Center Volunteer Assistance Activities at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Tax Center, Jakarta
Completion and reporting of the Annual SPT is an obligation for every Taxpayer, this can be done online or come directly to the KPP which for Individual Taxpayers (WP OP) the reporting deadline is March 31, 2022. Tax Center UIN Jakarta conducts Assistance activities Calculation, Filling, and Reporting of Annual SPT addressed to the UIN Jakarta Academic Community. This activity was attended by Tax Volunteers who are students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, majoring in Accounting. This activity aims to assist the Directorate General of Taxes in disseminating information to taxpayers so that they can report their annual tax returns in a timely manner.
This activity begins with a series of training for Internal Tax Volunteers on Wednesday, March 8, 2022 at 15.30 WIB until the end which is filled by the UIN Jakarta Tax Center supervisor, namely Mrs. Wilda Farah S.E., M.Sc., Ak., CPA., CA., BKP along with Accounting alumni who work at UIN Jakarta, in this activity as a companion for students during assistance activities. Technically, the activity started with the Opening Ceremony by the Master of Ceremony, namely Mr. Farhan Firmansyah, continued with self-introduction of Tax Volunteers and Companions, then continued with the provision of materials for assistance activities. The material is in the form of how to calculate, fill out, and report the Annual SPT through the e-Filing application. In this case, it is discussed regarding the Annual SPT WP OP 1770 SS, Annual SPT WP OP 1770 S, and Annual SPT WP OP 1770. After the material debriefing, it was followed by a question and answer session and closing by the Master of Ceremony.
Assistance activities will be carried out on March 10-16, 2022, which are located in their respective faculties and through a zoom meeting with a predetermined schedule and time. The following is the implementation schedule as follows:
Assistance activities began with the opening of representatives of Internal Tax Volunteers and Volunteer Assistants, then remarks from representatives of each faculty, followed by assistance activities, namely providing guidance to the Academic Community of UIN Jakarta. In filling out the Annual Tax Return of Individual Taxpayers using the application from the DGT, namely e-Filing, this activity received a very positive response because this activity was very helpful in guiding the reporting of the Annual Tax Return of Individual Taxpayers.

- Thursday, March 10, 2022: Faculty of Psychology, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences & Faculty of Adab and Humanities
- Friday, March 11, 2022: Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training, Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah & Bureaus and Institutions
- Monday, March 14, 2022: Faculty of Sharia and Law, Faculty of Da'wah and Communication Studies & Faculty of Science and Technology
- Tuesday, March 15, 2022: Faculty of Economics and Business, Faculty of Usuluddin & Graduate School
- Wednesday, March 16, 2022: Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences & Bureaus and Institutions.