Again! The first place was again won by Aryo, a member of the Sharia Investment Gallery and FEB Islamic Economics Study Circle, in the Gunadarma Sharia Economic Event 2022
Very proud news came from one of the second semester students of the Development Economics study program, Aryo Pratama Wibisono. Aryo again managed to make an extraordinary achievement, namely getting the first podium in the Microblogging Design Competition Gunadarma Sharia Economic Event (GSENT) 2022, which was organized by Gunadarma University. Aryo Pratama Wibisono is a member of the Research and Development division or commonly called R&D, Sharia Investment Gallery FEB UIN Jakarta and Alumni of Islamic Economics Education and Training, Islamic Economics Study Circle (LiSEnSi).
The Microblogging Design Competition organized by the Gunadarma Sharia Economic Event (GSENT) 2022 is a very prestigious competition and is participated by more than 30 students in Indonesia from leading campuses. With the Microblog theme “Optimizing Sustainable Finance by Maximizing Youth Potential through Sharia Economics in Achieving Sustainable Development”, participants are required to create weighty Microblog works, with high educational artistic value, and able to summarize the information they want to convey in an interesting way. In this competition, there are only 2 winners' podiums, which means there are only 2 best microblogs that can come out as winners. Of course this creates a very tight competition between each participant.
Aryo, as the only representative from UIN Jakarta, brought a Microblog entitled "Green Economy with Sharia Principles, is it right for Indonesia?". After the elimination stage and collecting likes for every 30 Microblogs on the Instagram account for the GSENT 2022 event, the next step is the assessment round by the jury who will assess how the participant Microblogs can meet the existing assessment criteria, starting from data validity, design creativity, and layout layout. The winner was announced on Thursday, June 30, 2022, right on the last day of the GSENT 2022 event. Aryo's Microblog finally came out as the winner in the first place with a score of 252.2 Points and received full appreciation from the GSENT 2022 committee, because the results of his Microblog were extraordinarily interesting and educative. Aryo will later get a medal in first place from GSENT 2022 for his extraordinary achievements. This competition is an arena for self-honing, self-upgrade and enriching one's portfolio. By participating in various competitions, students are expected to become superior individuals, hone their specialization and be able to compete in the world of work in the future.
Prof. Dr. Mohammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, S.E., M.Si as the Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta congratulated Aryo on the achievements achieved by Aryo. These achievements prove that the students of FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are able to take part on a national scale.