Saturday, June 10, 2023 WESHARE X TEMILREG held a Workshop and Awarding activity with the sub-theme Footprint of Lisensi and FoSSEI for the Sharia Economy in Indonesiaā€¯ which took place at the Syahida Inn Hotel UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. Participants who attended today were 150 people from various KSEI and KSEI LiSEnSi Alumni.
The event was then opened by the MCs, Intan Nur Indah Cahyani and Sekar Pramesti at 16:30 WIB. Then it continued to sing the FoSSEI National Anthem Indonesia Raya and Mars, which were attended by all participants with great wisdom, followed by remarks by the National FoSSEI Media Coordinator, Julius Nurdinsi.
Continuing to the main event, the delivery of material guided by the Moderator, namely Rijalul Humam as President of National FoSSEI 2022. The first speaker was delivered by Yusuf Helmi as Corporate Director of Business Services KARIM of Consulting Indonesia. The second speaker was Kindy Miftah as Assistant Vice President of Sharia Business & Retail Banking Analytics. The third speaker, Dr. Ali Sakti as Senior Economist at Central Bank of Indonesia.
The conclusion of the Workshop session, the beginning of the establishment of FoSSEI because there were differences in the name of the Islamic economics group and Islamic economics, experience at FoSSEI, Reasons for joining the FoSSEI organization, Organizing competitions in his class year, development of Islamic economics from a consulting perspective has new challenges regarding products and new services on sharia products. The hope is for FoSSEI, to be able to add FoSSEI members who are competent in Islamic economics.
Followed by handing over souvenirs to the presenters and certificates to the moderator. Then it was closed by the MC at 18.15 WIB.
The next event was a reception from various KSEI JaBoDeTaBek and continued with remarks by the LiSENS Advisor by Prof. Euis Amalia, M.Ag and remarks from Deputy Dean III of FEB UIN Jakarta by Asyari Hasan, S.H.I.,. Followed by a documentation session by the Chairman and Deputy of KSEI JaBoDeTaBeK.
Followed by the Awarding session, namely the Business Plan, Creative Writing, Creative Video, Olympiad and Poster competitions. The winner in the Academic Category Creative Writing competition, the third winner is from KSEI PROGRES IAI TAZKIA BOGOR, the second winner is KSEI SEF Gunadarma and the first winner is KSEI SEF Gunadarma.
Furthermore, the winner in the Creative Writing competition for the Conceptual category, the third winner was BSO Ksei FO UNJ, the second winner was KSEI PROGRESS TAZKIA and the first winner was BSO KSEI FO UNJ.
Then the winner in the National Creative Video competition. The third place was won by KSEI, the second place was won by BSO KSEI FO UNJ and the first place was won by KSEI PROGRESS Tazkia.
Next is the winner in the Business Plan competition. The second winner was won by KSEI PNJ, the first winner was won by KSEI PROGRESS TAZKIA, the third winner was won by KSEI USEFULL UPNVJ Jakarta, the second winner was won by KSEI PROGRESS TAZKIA and the first winner was won by KSEI Akses LIPIA.
Then the winner in the Poster Design Competition competition. The third winner was won by KSEI PROGRES TAZKIA, the second and first place won by KSEI IsEF STEI SEBI.
And finally, the winner in the Sharia Economic Olympiad competition, the second winner won by KSEI PROGRES TAZKIA, the first winner won by KSEI SEF GUNADARMA, the third winner won by KSEI USEFUL UPNVJ, the second winner won by KSEI PROGRES TAZKIA, and the first winner achieved by KSEI AkSES LIPIA.
Furthermore Awarding Disreg. The best FoSSEi JaBoDeTaBek disreg mentor award went to Mustofa from KSEI STEI SEBI, the most active mentor was Muhammad Irfan Aroyyan from Ksei LiSenSi and Muhammad azis sajjad from STEI SEBI, the best full panelist was won by Ghalib from KSEI AKSES Lipia, the best reviewing panelist was won by Jafar Ismail from Tazkia, The best Regional Office Team category was won by Team 4 Creative Economy and KSEI Best Head of Regional Office was won by BSO KSEI FO UNJ.
And the last event was playing Mars FoSSei's song and closing by the MC and the Band performance from Dik-Si.