Ngobis 4.1.: How to Become a Young Entrepreneur
Sunday, April 10, 2022 The semi-autonomous institution (LSO) of the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, namely the Entrepreneur Learning Center (ELC), has carried out one of its routine activities, namely Business Chat or NGOBIS 4.1. This NGOBIS event carries the theme "How To Become A Young Entrepreneur". This activity is carried out online through the Zoom Meeting application. The NGOBIS 4.1 event started at 13.00 WIB and was attended by 81 students and the general public from various parts of Indonesia as participants.
The resource person for this activity was Ms. Fajar Siddik who was moderated by Mr. Muhammad Zacky, a 2021 student, and guided by the Master of Ceremony by Mr. Muhammad Amalludin, a student in 2021. The event was guided by the MC from beginning to end. At the opening, the event was opened with the MC, followed by the reading of Divine Word by Farras Azhar, a 2021 Management student. Then continued with remarks and the opening of the event by the chief executive and deputy general chairman of ELC, Nur Hanifatus Sholihah, a 2021 Management student and Siti Rohmah, a student. The next speech was continued by the Deputy Dean III, Mr. Dr. M. Nurianto Al Arif, S.E., M.Sc., CRA., CRP., CPF., AWP., CIB. After the remarks, the next activity was a group photo guided by the MC.
The material presented by Kak Fajar Siddik at the NGOBIS 4.1 activity was about how to become a young entrepreneur with the aim that participants who took part in the NGOBIS 4.1 event were motivated to start a business at a young age, so that the business sector can continue to develop and innovate with the presence of young entrepreneurs. In addition to providing motivation to students, the NGOBIS 4.1 event is expected to be able to provide new knowledge and insights about the business field for the millennial generation.
The NGOBIS 4.1 event besides providing useful knowledge, this event also has more value by giving door prizes to participants who have attended. The door prize in this activity was sponsored by Inez Cosmetics and at the same time introduced their products to participants widely as the goal of this collaborative activity.