Opening Sharia Economic Festival 2021
Opening Sharia Economic Festival 2021
The Sharia economic festival is one of the largest work programs of the Sharia Economics Study Program Student Association at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The biggest annual activity for students of the Islamic economics study program is "Sharia Economic Festival" or commonly called "Sharia Ecofest" with the big theme "The Revival of Sharia Economic". This event aims to be an arena for students and students to express their innovative ideas and ideas as well as to become a forum for channeling the creativity and talent of the younger generation in the field of content creators and e-sports. This activity is expected to involve many participants so that the Sharia Economic Festival can have a positive impact on students at national and international levels. The International Seminar is the opening or opening of the 2021 Sharia Economic Festival which will take place online from 18 October 2021 to 20 October 2021. This event starts at 13.00 WIB to 16.30 WIB. This activity was held for 3 consecutive days with a different theme and presenter every day. On Monday, October 18, 2021, the first day of the International Webinar will be held via Zoom Meeting. The material for today's event was attended by Imam Zulfian, S. Account. M.Sc. Acc(C) (Director of ISEFID Malaysia), Ir. H. Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen, MS.MEc,Ph.D (Indonesia's National Zakat Agency), Mr. Agus Subandi (Branch Manager of ACT South Tangerang), Fadilah Kartikasasi, SE, MBA (Field of Capital Market Development and IAEI Sharia IKNB) . with a total of 370 participants. This event started at 13.00 WIB and was opened by the MC of the event, Sarah Fitria and continued with the reading of the holy Qur'an by M. Ichlasul Ikhlas. Then, delivering a welcoming speech by Prof. Dr. Amilin, SE., Ak., M.Sc., CA, QIA., BKP., CRMP. This activity was officially opened by the Chancellor of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, Prof. Dr. Hj. Amany Burhanuddin Umar Lubis, M.A who at that time was replaced by Prof. Dr. Zulkifli, M.A. The presentation of the material for the first session with the theme "Philanthropy" led by the moderator, Leis Suzanawaty, M.Sc. The first material was delivered by Imam Zulfian, S. Account. M.Sc. Acc(C). Presentation of Material from Resource Person 1 took place in a very conducive manner. Then continued with the presentation of the material for the second session with the theme "Productive Zakat Impact on Economic in Post Covid Recovery". And moderated by Leis Suzanawaty, M.Sc. The second material was delivered by Ir. H. Muhamad Nadratuzzaman Hosen, MS. MEc, Ph.D. The presentation of the material from the 2nd Resource Person also took place in a very conducive manner. The presentation of the third session material by Mr. Agus Subandi with the theme "Philanthrop". Moderated, Leis Suzanawaty, M.Sc. The presentation of the material from the third resource person is still going very well and is conducive. Then continued with the presentation of the material for the last session, namely the fourth session with the theme "Islamic Capital Market", and moderated by Leis Suzanawaty, M.Sc. This last material was delivered by Fadilah Kartikasasi, SE, MBA. The presentation of the material from the 4th Resource Person also took place very well and was conducive. After the presentation, the material always ends with a question and answer session guided by the Moderator. Enthusiasm was very high during this session, where many participants asked questions to the speakers.  After all the presenters have delivered their material. The event continued with a conclusion by the moderator, Leis Suzanawaty, M.Sc. After that the event ended with a prayer reading led by Muhammad Al-Fath. Although it was held online, it did not dampen the enthusiasm and enthusiasm of the participants to take part in the first day of the international seminar from the beginning to the end of the event. Because a lot of knowledge and knowledge was obtained from the speakers, as well as the moderator who could guide the event and bring the atmosphere of the event well. The event was closed at 16.30 WIB by Sarah Fitri as the MC at today's International Webinar