School of Investment: How to Analyze Stocks Using Fundamental and Technical analysis
On Friday, 29 July 2022, Sharia Investment Gallery FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an offline seminar which was very interesting to attend. The event is called the School of Investment (SOI). SOI is one of a series of events in the annual work program of the Sharia Investment Gallery called Sharia Capital Market Week (SCMW). At this event, the Sharia Investment Gallery invited speakers who were very competent in their fields, and this seminar was attended by 200 participants who were students of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, students from universities throughout Jabodetabek, and the general public.
The first speaker is Mr. Parahita Irawan, he is the Founder of @investasijalanan (instagram). Mr. Parahita Irawan is a Stocks Investment Educator who actively provides education through his Instagram channel, namely @Investasijalanan, he has 18 years of experience in the capital market world. Meanwhile, the second speaker was Mrs. Frisca Devi Choirina, she is the Co-founder of @ngertisaham (instagram), the @ngertisaham instagram channel is a channel that actively discusses the development of issuers and the Indonesian capital market, this channel is also a very important channel for the public. beginner investors because it contains basic education that must be understood by novice investors.
The first session was filled by Mr. Parahita who discussed the fundamental analysis of a stock. He argued that an investor should understand what to buy through fundamental analysis, if the investor already understands what he is buying, the investor should start investing in the stock. He also explained that investing in stocks is for the long term because the earlier and regularly an investor invests in investing in the right stocks, the greater the compounding effect that will be obtained by the investor.
In the next session, the technical analysis on a stock was filled by Mrs. Frisca Devi Choirina. In this session, Mrs. Frisca said that an investor must also understand how to analyze price movements through technical analysis. In technical analysis, investors must understand chart patterns, indicators, support and resistance, trends, candlesticks, and others. Mrs. Frisca Devi also believes that not all stocks are suitable for trading, and technical analysis is not enough to analyze a stock, so it must be combined with fundamental analysis so that the analysis results can be more precise.
The next session was a question and answer session, in this session a lot of participants were enthusiastic to ask questions in the session. This question and answer session was guided by Athallah Alifian as moderator at the School of Investment (SOI) seminar. This activity was held in collaboration with the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta with the Indonesia Stock Exchange, IPOT, KSEI, and other partners.