Sharia Banking Doctoral Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a national seminar with the theme "Istitha'ah Concept, Cost of Hajj and Quality of Hajj Services for a Sustainable Ecosystem". The National Seminar took place in the Theater Room on the 2nd floor of the FEB Postgraduate building.
Opening Remark National Seminar:
- Prof. Dr. Hj. Amani B. Lubis, MA Rector of Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
- Prof. Dr. Amilin, M.Si., Ak., CA., Dean of Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta
- Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag., Professor Islamic Economics FEB and Head of Doctorate Program of Sharia Banking FEB

UIN Jakarta Rector Prof. Dr. Amany B Lubis, MA., Received a Thank You from the Head of the FEB Sharia Banking Doctoral Program Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag
Keynote Speech by Fadlul Imansyah, SE., MM., CIFP., AAK, Head of Haj Financial Management Agency Implementing Agency (BPKH)
The resource person for this National Seminar is:
- Prof Dr. H. Amin Summa, SH., MA., MM, Chairman of Indonesian Sharia Scientist and Bachelor Association (HISSI)
- Prof Hilman Latief, MA., Ph.D, Director General of Hajj and Umrah Implementation (PHU) Ministry of Religion Republic Indonesia
- Dr. H. Tb. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si, Chairman of the Alumni Association UIN Jakarta (IKALUIN), Vice Chairman Commission VIII House of Representatives Republic Indonesia (DPR-RI)
- Prof. Dr. Arief Mufraini, Lc., M.Si. Haj Financial Management Agency Implementing Agencyi (BPKH)
- Prof. Dr. Nizalul Alim, Ak., CA. Indonesian Accountant Association (IAI) Islamic Accountant compartment
- Indra Falatehan, ST. MM, President director of Bank Muamalat Indonesia
- Muhammad Hasan Gaido, CEO PT Gaido Grup
Sharia Banking Doctoral National Seminar in collaboration with:
- Haj Financial Management Agency Implementing Agency (BPKH)
- Association of Islamic Economics Experts (IAEI)
- Indonesian Accountant Association (IAI)
- Bank Muamalat Indonesia
- Alumni Associaton of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta (IKALUIN)
- Islamic Economic Community (MES)
- Association of Islamic Economics Lecturers (ADESy)
- Indonesian Sharia Scientist and Bachelor Association (HISSI)
Dr. H.Tb. Ace Hasan Syadzily, M.Si, as Deputy Chair of Commission VIII DPR RI explained the role of DPR RI in organizing the Hajj. Dr Ace explained the regulations that cover the implementation of Hajj and Umrah and the management of Hajj finances.
Prof. Dr. Arief Mufraini, Lc., M.Si. Members of the Implementing Body for the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) explained the role of the Hajj Financial Management Executing Agency (BPKH) in the governance and management of Sharia-based Hajj Fees.

Main Director of Bank Muamalat Indonesia Indra Falatehan, ST., MM explained the role of Islamic Banks in financing Hajj and Umrah management. Sharia Banks, in this case Bank Muamalat Indonesia provide many services for Hajj and Umrah worship, in this case Special Hajj services.
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Sharia Scientists and Scholars (HISSI) Prof. Dr. Amin Summa, SH., MM., MA. presents several notes on the concept of Istitha'ah for Hajj from the point of view of Jurisprudence. Prof. Amin Summa explained the Legal Basis and Basic Laws of Hajj, Limits of Hajj Istitha'ah.
CEO of PT Gaido Group Muhammad Hasan Gaido explained the role of the Hajj association in socializing Hajj Costs and Quality of Hajj services. The resource person explained the important role of the association in helping the community perform the Hajj.
Prof. Dr. Nizalul Alim, Ak., CA. The management of the Indonesian Association of Accountants (IAI) of the Sharia Accountants Compartment explains the analysis of the costs of the Hajj pilgrimage
You can watch more details on th FEB Sharia Banking Doctoral youtube link