Sharing Session: Understand the Islamic perspective in Economic
The CSI SHOW TIME program which was initiated by the 2022 Syiar Division through the work program has been organized by the Community of Syiar Islam (CSI FEB) on Saturday, September 24, 2022. This program is carried out in the form of webinars and talk shows. This year's Webinar session was held offline at the New FEB Theater 2 building which is specifically for new students at the Faculty of Economics and Business and can be attended by the general public. CST started at half past ten with the opening of the MC (Subal Baradzim) and Al-Qur'an Recitation (Emir Alfani) and singing the anthem Indonesia Raya led by the event organiser, namely Birru Alfina.
The event continued with the delivery of various remarks given by the Chief Executive (Raihan Dhimas), Chair of CSI FEB (Ainul Yakin), CSI supervisory lecturers (via video recordings, and Deputy Dean III for Student Affairs and Alumni. Furthermore, the event was continued by the first speaker, Ustadzah Prilla, which was moderated by Zulfikar Wijaya for 2 hours including a question and answer session, then continued with the presentation of certificates by the Chief Executive (Raihan Dhimas).
The event continued at 12.16 and was reopened by the MC, and continued with the delivery of the second material by Ustadz Abu Takeru and continued with a question and answer session, certificate submission by the Chair of CSI FEB. After that the event was closed with a prayer reading (Emir Alfani), closing from the MC, then a group photo session by the committee and all event participants.