The Development Economics Study Program Has Held The Socialization of Mini Proposal
Jakarta, March 6, 2023. The Development Economics Study Program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held The Socialization of Mini Proposal. The speaker in this event were some economic development lecturers. This event was attended by by Development Economics students class of 2019.
The Speker in this seminar were Dr. Arief Fitrijanto and Zuhairan Y Yunan, Ph.D. This event was specifically for 8th semester students of economics development. They will write thesis as requirement to graduated as a bachelor of economics. The study program expects students to immediately prepare research proposals and they will get a thesis advisor
The Speaker told that this Mini Proposal is a mini version of a research proposal which will later be collected and submitted to the Study Program and screened to get a supervisor that fits the research theme. This socialization was expected to accelerate the study period of development economics students.