Studium General Accounting: Tips for a Successful Career in a Foreign Company
Ciputat, September 21, 2022. The Accounting Study Program FEB UIN Jakarta held a General Study which was intended for semester 1 students (class of 2022) and for other batches of accounting students. This activity was also attended by the Secretary of the Accounting Study Program, Fitri Damayanti, SE., M.Sc. The Studium General took place in the Theater Room on the 5th floor of the FEB-2 building. The speakers at Studium General were accounting alumni who had successful careers in multinational companies: Putra Buntoro Nasution, SE., QIA who currently has a career as Compliance & Internal Control Manager of PT Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia and Fuad Firmansyah, SE., MM. who has a career as Finance Operation Manager at PT Perfetti Van Melle Indonesia.
The activity began with singing the National Anthem of Indonesia Raya by all the participants of the Studium General. Next, Speeches from the Chairperson of the Accounting Study Program, Yessi Fitri, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA. representing the Dean of FEB who was unable to attend. On this occasion, the Head of Study Program welcomed the alumni and congratulated them on sharing their motivations and success stories in their careers in foreign companies.
The next session was the presentation of material by the first speaker, Putrama Buntoro Nasution, SE.,QIA. with the moderator Mahirah Thifal Anandita, an accounting student batch 2021. The speaker revealed his career journey to where he is now. The speaker also provided motivation for his younger siblings, students of the class of 2022 who had just entered college in the accounting study program. This session was continued by the second speaker, Fuad Firmansyah, SE., MM. who has had a career up to the level of a middle-level manager also provides motivation for his younger siblings. The session continued to a question and answer session with the participants of the general studio. Interestingly, accounting students gave questions in English.
Accounting students in the first semester of the class of 2022 seemed enthusiastic about participating in the whole series of general studium events. The Theater Room on the 5th floor of FEB which only has a capacity of approximately 100 people is not able to accommodate the enthusiasm of accounting students. They filled the whole room, even many students sat on the carpet because they couldn't get a seat.