Studium General of Islamic Economics: Readiness of the Islamic Economic System in Anticipating and Managing the 2023 Economic Recession
Thursday, 3 November 2022 The Islamic Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, held a general studium. The theme for this activity is Readiness of the Islamic Economic System in Anticipating and Managing the 2023 Economic Recession. As we all know, international financial institutions such as the World Bank and International Monetary Fund convey the possibility of a potential world economic recession in 2023. Recession in 2023 one of them is caused by the pressure due to the pandemic that has occurred from 2020 and the Russian invasion of Hryvnia.
On this occasion, the general studium presents Banjaran Surya Indrastomo, Ph.D who is the Chief Economist of Bank Syariah Indonesia. He completed his Masters and Doctoral studies at Durham University, after completing his undergraduate program at the Australian National University. This activity was moderated by Diamantin Rohadatul Aisy, a young lecturer at FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. In addition, on this occasion a socialization was also carried out regarding the BSI Institute by Dr. Luqyan Tamani.
In his presentation, the source said that the combination of various uncertainties in 2022 will put pressure on the world's economic recovery and increase fears of the risk of a recession. Various countries have shown signs of declining growth in 2022 and will continue in 2023. The development of the halal industry in Indonesia shows that by developing potential industrial sectors within the halal ecosystem, the chances of warding off a recession are greater. In addition, the ZISWAF sector can become an important social safety net in dealing with various economic shocks, including the potential for an economic recession that will hit the world economy.