Studium General: How Financial Technology Support Small Medium Enterprises (SME)
The General Studium, which was held on the afternoon of September 6, 2022, was well organized and lively. Presenting experts in the fields of economics and business, Mr. Associate Prof. Felix Tan from UNSW Australia, this studium leads to an incredibly inspiring discussion for Islamic Banking students
Begun with the speech of 3rd Vice Dean, Mr. Prof M. Nur Rianto Al Arif spoke about the importance and benefit of this stadium and also supported and wished all the best of luck for the student's future.
After hearing the speech from a representative of the faculty of economics dean, the general stadium start the session with the incredible speaker, Mr. Associate Prof. Felix Tan by the moderator Mrs. Dr. Endah Meiria M.Si who took over the place of MC. Mr. Associate Prof. Felix Tan gave the student new insight into the urgency of Financial technology usage nowadays, which is helpful to human’s activity. He makes an example about reality and draws it into cases that help students to understand science well. This stadium also led to Small Medium Enterprises in Indonesia and its relevance.
The connection of financial technology and SME is tight and stands side by side. So the key, in order to make a successful SME, is by finding a new problem and trying to solve it with new innovation and fresh ideas by using Financial Technology as well. At the end of his presentation, he also tries to make this general stadium more interactive by sparing time to open Q&A sessions and answer all the questions from the student about this topic. Last, Mr. Associate Prof. Felix Tan left a valuable message to the student, focusing on a problem to solve and trying to make the process from sense, response to transform.