Studium General of Islamic Economics Study Program - "Sharia Fintech Business Model in Indonesia"
Tuesday, May 30 2023. The development of Financial Technology or what is often called Fintech, especially sharia fintech in Indonesia, is showing good progress at the end of 2022. This was conveyed by Muhammad Handika Surbakti, in the Studium General Study Program of Islamic Economics which was held at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. This development, continued Handika, can be seen in the Global Islamic Fintech Index 2022 released by DinarStandard, where Indonesia is ranked 3 or up one rank from 2021. The index is measured based on five categories of indicators which include talent or the quality of the human resources involved, supported by regulations that cover the development of fintech, infrastructure that also supports it, the number of fintech companies that have grown and the markets and ecosystems they have formed, and finally the amount of capital contained in the circulation of fintech developments.
However, as the Program and Partnership Manager for the Indonesian Sharia Fintech Association, Handika also mentioned that there were several "homework" that needed to be completed together to better support the development of Islamic fintech in Indonesia, one of the most important of which was the need to work hand in hand in increasing the financial literacy of the Indonesian people. Not only related to fintech, public literacy for financial products and services in Indonesia is generally still low. Therefore, as an academic institution, all members of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta are expected to play a role in increasing public financial literacy through the Tri Dharma of Higher Education. This was welcomed by the Head of the Islamic Economics Study Program, Mr. Ali Rama, S.E., M.Ec., Ph.D, who stated that he was ready to elaborate on the need to increase public financial literacy, either through a curriculum which will be followed up with certain courses, or accelerated quantity and quality of research related to sharia fintech and other financial institutions in general, as well as its practice in community service. AFSI, as the official OJK association that oversees various sharia fintech platforms, also stated that it is ready to support elaboration steps, either through student internship programs or the provision of data centers and other research collaboration needs.
Pada kesempatan studium general yang mengusung tema “Model Bisnis Fintech Syariah di Indonesia” ini, Handika juga mendudukkan beberapa definisi terkait financial technology itu sendiri. Fintech dan fintech syariah secara bahasa memang merupakan gabungan antara produk atau jasa keuangan (finance) dan perkembangan teknologi (technology) yang melekat. Namun, AFSI secara regulasi mendefinisikan fintech sesuai dengan peraturan OJK terkait, yaitu suatu bentuk inovasi finansial berbasis teknologi yang dapat menghasilkan model bisnis, aplikasi, proses atau produk baru. Handika, sekali lagi, menegaskan kategori fintech yang dinaungi oleh AFSI merupakan produk baru atau inovasi produk dan jasa keuangan yang berbasis teknologi dengan diikuti model bisnis yang juga baru, tidak hanya digitalisasi produk dan jasa keuangan. Lebih lanjut dijelaskan juga oleh Alumni IAIN Sunan Ampel Surabaya tersebut, bahwa berdasarkan definisi fintech yang ditetapkan oleh AFSI, maka model bisnis fintech syariah terbagi atas empat kategori, yaitu Payment, Clearing, and Sattlement, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending, Securities Crowdfunding (CSF), serta Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD). Beberapa aplikasi fintech yang familiar di masyarakat yaitu LinkAja Syariah dan Payten yang termasuk dalam kategori Payment, Clearing, and Sattlement; atau ALAMI Fintech sebagai contoh crowdfunding lending-based, yang dalam hal ini termasuk dalam kategori P2P Lending. Beberapa skema model bisnis fintech syariah juga dipaparkan, termasuk kategori Inovasi Keuangan Digital (IKD) yang memuat segala inovasi produk fintech baru yang belum dapat dikategorikan ke dalam Payment, Clearing, and Sattlement, Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Lending, maupun Securities Crowdfunding (CSF). Kategori IKD ini diharapkan dapat menjadi wadah inovasi fintech dan fintech syariah yang tidak terbatas pada model bisnis tertentu maupun jumlah modal disetor.