Workshop on Reviewing the Preparation of Economic and Business Cluster ACQUIN SAR
Tuesday, 4 July 2023 The Faculty of Economics and Business UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Workshop on reviewing the preparation of the ACQUIN Self Assessment Report (SAR) which was held in the Student Lounge Room lt 3. This event was held for two days, namely Tuesday and Wednesday, 4 and 5 July 2023. Regarding the plan of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a higher education institution to gain recognition through the recognition of the international accreditation system (ACQUIN), proper understanding and practice in preparing accreditation documents is a non-negotiable requirement. This event aims to improve the quality of documents that have been compiled to make it better. The first day's event started at 09.00 in the morning which was opened by the dean represented by Dr. Asyari Hasan, SH.I., M.Ag as Deputy Dean for Student Affairs, Alumni, and Cooperation. In his remarks, Dr. Asyari Hasan expressed his gratitude and appreciation to all participants who attended, and emphasized the full support of the faculty in this accreditation process. Inspirational words of Dr. Asyari Hasan provided strong motivation for the participants. Representative from the UIN Jakarta Quality Assurance Institute (LPM), Dr. Jejen MA, also gave encouraging directions. He stressed the important role of LPM in overseeing the accreditation process and ensuring that the documents prepared by the cluster conform to the standards set by ACQUIN.
Next, Dr. Gita Mulyasari, SP., M.Si as the Head of the Quality Assurance Center (LMPPP) at the University of Bengkulu, gave an in-depth explanation of an overview of the preparation of the ACQUIN SAR which was guided by Murdiyah Hayati as Chair of Cluster two (Economy and Business). With his experience as a companion, Dr. Gita Mulyasari explained the important components that must be considered in preparing quality accreditation documents. Mrs. Gita also provided input on the SAR document that was written by the economic and business cluster team
On the second day, the event starts again at 09.00 in the morning. On this day Dr. Heny Hendrayanti, MM., CIQnR, CIQaR, CSBA from the Indonesian University of Education (UPI) shared his experience in assisting the preparation of SAR at his university. He also provides input and reviews to the economic and business cluster team on the SAR documents that have been prepared so that they become more mature and in accordance with ACQUIN standards.
The ACQUIN SAR Document Preparation Workshop provides a strong foundation for participants to move forward in the international accreditation process. This event is expected to provide significant benefits in enhancing the institution's reputation and achieving international recognition in the academic field. With the knowledge and effective strategies obtained, participants will have greater confidence in facing international accreditation challenges and contribute to improving the quality of education at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, especially the Faculty of Economics and Business.