Academic Writing Bootcamp: Increasing the Quality of Research and Scientific Publications Towards International Recognition
Academic Writing Bootcamp: Increasing the Quality of Research and Scientific Publications Towards International Recognition

The Faculty of Economics and Business holds an Academic Writing Bootcamp for Lecturers in the Faculty who have manuscripts. This activity was held at Pesona Alam Resort & Hotel Bogor on 26-28 July 2023. This activity was opened with remarks by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business (Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, M.Si). In his remarks, he said that this activity was the first step to foster a research and publication culture in the Faculty. Hopefully this activity will be able to stimulate faculty lecturers to be productive in conducting research and publications. In the first session, this activity presented Prof. Dr. Ir. Akhmad Fauzi, M.Sc from IPB University. He presented material on Scientific Article Writing Techniques in Reputable International Journals. At the beginning of his presentation, he conveyed what motivation we want to achieve from writing. Then he delivered 5T principles in writing. Next, he delivered an explanation on more technical matters regarding scientific article writing. The second day of this activity was filled with presentations from internal sources and independent work by the participants. There were two internal speakers at this activity namely Ali Rama, Ph.D delivering material on "How to Publish in a Suitable Journal with your Manuscript" and Zuhairan Yunmi Yunan, Ph.D with material "How to Answer the Reviewers' Comments". The participants in this activity were divided into several groups. Each group is accompanied by several facilitators. There were nine facilitators involved in this activity, namely Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, MS., Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM., Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia., Prof. Dr. Ade Sofyan Mulazid, MA., Prof. Dr. Desmadi Saharuddin, MA., Dr. Pheni Chalid., Rahmawati, Ph.D., Dr. Ir. Roikhan M Aziz, MM., and Dr. Titi Warninda, M.Sc.