In the Education and Teaching aspect, each curriculum in the study program is monitored and evaluated through lecturer discussions, workshops, comparative studies, science consortiums, colloquiums, professional association collaborations, as well as inviting stakeholders (students - Student Executive Council), parents and users. Alumni) to discuss, as well as invite external reviewers (experts) in order to create a curriculum that suits market needs and is KKNI-compliant. Since 2015 FEB has been involved in the collaboration "Modernizing Indonesian Higher Education with Tested European Pedagogical Practices" with 5 European universities and 4 Indonesian universities which are members of the INDOPED Project by Erasmus-#, in
It is hoped that this collaboration can increase the capacity of teaching staff through learning methods adopted from 5 universities in Europe. Apart from that, FEB has implemented IT in the learning and teaching process, FEB's seriousness can be seen by opening Smart Class for students, apart from that, every room and floor at FEB has been covered by an internet network, making it easier for students to access the teaching and learning process, besides that since In 2016 FEB has facilitated its students to obtain SKPI for their graduates,
This refers to the Chancellor's Decree number 722 of 2016 concerning the provision of SKPI for graduates of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, M.Si.,Ak.,CA.
Expertise: Financial Accounting
Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, M.M.
Expertise: Financial Management
Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid, MS
Expertise: Economics