Dean's Foreword

Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, M.Si.,Ak.,CA.
Foreword by Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business
Peace be upon you, and Allah's mercy and blessings,
One of the challenges of Indonesian Islamic Academics is to introduce Indonesian Islam to the world. The issue of internationalization of Indonesian Islam is increasingly being discussed, especially by Indonesian Islamic educational institutions which are under the Ministry of Religion and the Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia.
Islamic Religious Universities (PTAI) such as the State Islamic University (UIN) will certainly not be separated from the task of responding to these challenges. UIN must even be the vanguard in bringing Indonesian Islamic ideas to the international arena. Students and alumni of Islamic universities must be able to represent Indonesia in the world. This is also important in building the image of Indonesia and its people. Indonesian Islamic academics can become producers or trendsetters of plurality and other intellectualistic mindsets for the world Muslim community. We already have that asset.
204 million Muslims in Indonesia is a significant enough number to move the pendulum of world Islamic civilization. Apart from that, Indonesia's scientific tradition has shaped world-class Islamic discourse. Islam in this country has given birth to international Islamic academics, such as Imam Nawawi al-Bantani and Mahfudz al-Tirmisi whose works have circulated throughout the world. The treasures of religious thought in Indonesia have also given birth to contemporary heroes and scientists such as Bung Hatta, Nurcholish Madjid (Cak Nur) and Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur). This is a big capital for us to build Indonesian Islamic civilization.
Within this framework, FEB, as the spearhead of the development of Islamic economic civilization and Indonesian intellectualism, will always respond to the challenges of the times and produce scholars who are devout, have integrity and knowledge to become crazy figures who have the qualities of Islamic professionalism. in contributing to growing the Indonesian economy both in terms of character and nature. local and national. As well as being able to deliver Indonesian sharia economic discourse to the international level. And finally, this profile easily reflects these great ideals. we hope so….
Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, M.Si.,Ak.,CA.Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business
UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta