Bachelor's Program in Accounting
To become an Accounting Study Program with international standards of quality education, research and service with excellence in scientific integration, Islamic
morality and Indonesian characteristics by 2030.
- Organising higher education in the field of accounting that meets qualification standards at both national and international levels.
- To develop academic research knowledge and culture in the field of accounting of international standard.
- Establish partnerships and collaboration with industry and stakeholders in order to increase the competitiveness of graduates and realize link and match.
- Make a significant contribution institutionally in solving various accounting problems both on a national and international scale.
- Developing quality learning in the field of accounting based on research, case studies, technology, information and innovation.
- Producing graduates who master the basic concepts of accounting, as well as its application, in order to be able to conduct research and make significant contributions in solving problems in the field of accounting.
- Producing graduates who are able to follow the latest scientific developments in the field of accounting, and are skilled in their field of expertise.
- Produce research and publications that meet national and international standards.
- Produce research that is innovative and applicable to stakeholders in the accounting field.
- Producing graduates who are professional, innovative and have noble character, and have the capacity to be leaders who have integrity and capability in the field of accounting.
- Producing graduates who are able to manage both conventional and sharia business entities based on the principles of universal Islamic moral values.
- Producing graduates who have an independent and entrepreneurial spirit, as well as attitudes and religious characteristics, humanist, as well as sensitivity and deep social empathy to iprove the quality of life of the community.
Code |
Graduate Profile |
Description of Graduates Competencies |
GP 1 |
Accountant |
Graduates are able to work in a team of individuals with diverse backgrounds in the field of conventional accounting and Islamic accounting for an entity supported by Information Technology (IT) and are responsible for achieving independent and organisational work results as accountants. |
GP 2 |
Auditor |
Graduates who have technical competence and professional skills in planning, conducting audits, finding discrepancies, assessing fairness and providing suggestions for improvements to the presentation of financial statements in accordance with auditing standards and applicable laws and regulations. |
GP 3 |
Tax Consultant |
Graduates are able to understand regulations and are highly committed to solving tax problems in accordance with professional ethics and are able to prepare tax returns manually and computerised. |
Attitude |
Able to demonstrate responsible attitudes and behaviour towards work in their PLO 1 field of expertise independently and internalise scientific, Islamic and Indonesian values. |
Knowledge and Understanding |
PLO 2 |
Able to understand theoretical concepts in depth and apply technical skills, principles and procedural knowledge regarding information technology in Financial Accounting, Management Accounting, Accounting Audit, Taxation, Sharia Accounting and Information Technology. |
PLO 3 |
Able to master theoretical concepts in depth and analyse information needs for business decision-making. |
PLO 4 |
Able to understand Business Ethics and the Accounting Professional Code of Ethics |
General Skills |
PLO 5 |
Able to apply a combination of technical competence and professional skills with the support of information technology. |
PLO 6 |
Able to make appropriate decisions in the context of solving problems based on the results of information and data analysis |
Specific Skills |
PLO 7 |
Able to prepare, analyse and interpret the financial reports by applying accounting principles to transactions in accordance with Indonesian financial accounting standards and professional code of ethics with the support of information technology. |
PLO 8 |
Able to prepare, analyse and evaluate management accounting reports by applying management accounting techniques in accordance to professional code of ethics with the support of information technology |
PLO 9 |
Able to prepare audit working papers in accordance with audit standards, professional code of ethics and applicable statutory provisions in audits of financial statements. |
PLO 10 |
Able to prepare tax reports for individual and corporate taxpayers by calculating and carrying out tax reconciliation in accordance to indonesian tax laws. |
PLO 11 |
Able to prepare, analyse and interpret financial statements by applying sharia accounting principles to transactions in accordance with sharia financial accounting standards in Indonesia. |
Amilin, Prof., Dr., SE, M.Si., Ak, CA, QIA, BKP, CRMP
NIP/NIDN | 197306152005011009 |
Core Courses | Financial Accounting | | |
Gender | Male |
Ibnu Qizam, Prof., Dr., SE., Ak, M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 196801021994031002 |
Core Courses | Financial Accounting Science | | |
Gender | Male |
Rini, Dr., SE, M.Si., Ak, CA.
NIP/NIDN | 197603152005012002 |
Core Courses | Sharia Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Rahmawati, SE., MM., Ph.D.
NIP/NIDN | 197408212009012005 |
Core Courses | Sharia Accounting and Management | | |
Gender | Female |
Reskino, SE.,M.Si., Ak., CA., CMA., CERA, Ph.D
NIP/NIDN | 197409282008012004 |
Core Courses | Financial Accounting and Fraud | | |
Gender | Female |
Yulianti, Dr., SE., M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 198203182011012011 |
Core Courses | Government/Public Sector Accounting, Internal Audit, Management | | |
Gender | Female |
Yusar Sagara, Dr., SE., Ak., M.Si., CA, CMA, CPMA, CGMA, ACMA, CACP
NIP/NIDN | - |
Core Courses | Management Control System | | |
Gender | Male |
Khayatun Nufus, Dr., SE.,M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | - |
Core Courses | Accounting and Finance, Public Sector Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Abdul Hamid, Drs, MBA., Ak, CA., CPA
NIP/NIDN | 196205021993031003 |
Core Courses | Auditing, Internal Auditing | | |
Gender | Female |
Yessi Fitri, Dr., SE., M.Si., Ak., CA.
NIP/NIDN | 197609242006042002 |
Core Courses | Financial Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Fitri Damayanti, SE., M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 198107312006042003 |
Core Courses | Taxation, Cost Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Hepi Prayudiawan, SE., MM., Ak., CA
NIP/NIDN | 197205162009011006 |
Core Courses | Financial Accounting | | |
Gender | Male |
Ismawati Haribowo, SE., M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 198009092014112003 |
Core Courses | Taxation, Cost Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Atiqah, SE., MS.Ak
NIP/NIDN | 198201202009122004 |
Core Courses | Advanced Financial Accounting, Cost Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Yusro Rahma, SE., M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 198005062008012016 |
Core Courses | Management Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Wilda Farah, SE., M.Si., Ak., CPA.,CA.
NIP/NIDN | 198303262009122005 |
Core Courses | Taxation, Auditing | | |
Gender | Female |
Fitri Yani Jalil, SE., M.Sc
NIP/NIDN | 198706042019032013 |
Core Courses | Financial Accounting, Auditing | | |
Gender | Female |
Zuwesty Eka Putri, S.E., M.Ak
NIP/NIDN | 198004162009012006 |
Core Courses | Management Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
Masrul Huda, SE, M.Si
NIP/NIDN | 196305062014111001 |
Core Courses | Internal Audit, Audit Management, EDP Audit | | |
Gender | Male |
Nur Wachidah Yulianti, SE, MS.Ak
NIP/NIDN | - |
Core Courses | Accounting, Tax, Audit |
Female | |
Haryatih, SE., M.Si.
NIP/NIDN | - |
Core Courses | Management, Accounting | | |
Gender | Female |
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Laboratorium Komputer
Laboratorium Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis adalah Laboratorium Pendidikan yang digunakan untuk berbagai kegiatan praktikum, riset dan penelitian mahasiswa. Tersedia berbagai jenis peralatan yang sangat mendukung untuk praktikum. Dengan adanya peralatan yang cukup lengkap di laboratorium pendidikan ini, maka setiap mahasiswa dapat menggunakan fasilitas peralatan selama praktikum dijalankan. Laboratorium ini memiliki tempat yang sangat luas, sehingga mahasiswa akan sangat nyaman ketika sedang mengikuti praktikum. Selain itu juga tersedia berbagai jenis peralatan keselamatan, sehingga mahasiswa yang sedang menjalankan praktikum di Laboratorium akan merasa aman dan nyaman.
Perpustakaan merupakan jantung perguruan tinggi yang berfungsi sebagai penunjang gerak dan dinamika akademik perguruan tinggi. Perpustakaan bertugas menyediakan, mengelola dan mendistribusikan informasi untuk keperluan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat. Perpustakaan Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis sebagai pusat pembelajaran terus berkembang baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas dalam rangka memberikan layanan secara prima. Sampai saat ini perpustakaan memiliki koleksi cetak maupun elektronik lebih dari 6697 judul yang berdiri dari e-book, jurnal, skripsi, dan lain-lain. Bidang kedokteran dan ilmu kesehatan serta keislaman. Selain itu, untuk memenuhi kebutuhan informasi, perpustakaan FEB menyediakan komputer yang dilengkapi dengan layanan internet kabel maupun wi-fi.