Bachelor's Degree in Sharia Banking
The realization of a superior study program in the field of Sharia Banking with international standards of quality education, research and service with the integration of science, Islamic morality and Indonesian characteristics by 2030.
- Develop teaching education in the field of Sharia Banking with international standards that links and matches the Sharia banking and finance industry.
- Developing a culture and research results that are responsive to international standards on various issues in the field of sharia banking and finance.
- Develop services and community service works in the field of sharia banking and finance that support the strengthening of small and micro businesses that are able to compete on a national and international scale.
- Develop cooperation with various domestic and foreign Sharia banking and financial institutions.
The general aim of the Sharia Banking Study Program is to produce Sharia Banking Bachelors who have an understanding of theory and methodology in the field of Sharia Banking, and have Islamic ethics and attitudes, so that they are able to analyze and solve various problems in society.
The specific objectives of the Sharia Banking Study Program are:
- Produce graduates who master the theoretical concepts of Islamic finance and banking and have an Islamic character, are superior and competitive in carrying out education and learning and can contribute to solving problems in the field of sharia banking;
- Producing graduates who excel in conducting and publishing research results in the field of sharia banking;
- Produce graduates who are able to follow the latest scientific developments in the field of sharia banking, and are skilled in their field of expertise.
- Producing graduates who are able to adapt in different and rapidly changing socio-economic environments by continuing to develop themselves to become pioneers in driving the community's economy, and have high social sensitivity.
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Graduate Profile |
Graduate Profile Description |
1 |
Sharia Banking Practitioner |
Graduates posses abilities to manage all sharia banking operational activities professionally by utilizing information technology and are able to apply Islamic and Indonesian values. |
2 |
Sharia Banking Researcher |
Graduates posses abilities to master research methodology, analyze data, and provide recommendations for decision making at Islamic banking institutions in accordance with Islamic and Indonesian values. |
3 |
Islamic Business Entrepreneurship |
Graduates posses abilities to design a business and implement it in business practices, as well as develop a business that can contribute to the welfare of the people based on Islamic and Indonesian values. |
The Sharia Banking Study Programme's ELOs are formulated about the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 73 of 2013 on the Implementation of the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (KKNI), the Regulation of the Minister of Higher Education Number 44 of 2015 on National Higher Education Standards, and the Rector's Regulation Number 10/2015 on Curriculum Development Regulations as well as based on the needs of stakeholders.
The PLOs of the study programme are also in line with the vision and mission of the study programme, faculty, and university, namely scientific integration, Islamic morality, and Indonesian characteristics.
The Matric of the study programme are also in line with the vision and mission of the study programme, faculty, and university, namely scientific integration, Islamic morality, and Indonesian characteristics.
for detail Academic Curriculum description, click this
Monitoring and Evaluation of the Curriculum
PLO of study program graduates is not only a formulation of learning objectives to be achieved and must be possessed by all graduates, but also a statement of graduate quality. Therefore, the study program is obliged to have a PLO formulation that can be accounted for both content, completeness of description in accordance with the provisions in SN DIKTI, as well as the equivalence of its qualification level with the Indonesian National Qualifications Framework (IQF). Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and evaluate the suitability of the application of learning methods in courses to the learning outcomes of the study program.
1. Report of Monitoring and Evaluation of the Curriculum: for the odd semester click here, for the even semester click here
2. Workload Asessment of PLO
List of Students Achievement
Sharia Banking Study Programme
Computer Laboratory
The Faculty of Economics and Business Laboratory is an Educational Laboratory used for various student practical, research and research activities. There are various types of equipment that are very supportive for practical work. With the availability of fairly complete equipment in this educational laboratory, each student can use the equipment facilities during the practical work. This laboratory has a very large place, so students will be very comfortable when taking part in practical work. In addition, various types of safety equipment are also available, so students who are carrying out practical work in the Laboratory will feel safe and comfortable.

The Library
The library is the heart of the university that functions as a supporter of the movement and academic dynamics of the university. The library is tasked with providing, managing and distributing information for educational, research and community service purposes. The Faculty of Economics and Business Library as a learning center continues to develop both in quality and quantity in order to provide excellent service. Until now, the library has a printed and electronic collection of more than 6697 titles consisting of e-books, journals, theses, and others. The fields of economics sciences and Islam. In addition, to meet information needs, the FEB library provides computers equipped with wired internet services and wi-fi.
Faculty Infrastructures Video