Company Visit Sharia Banking Students To Bank Muamalat Indonesia
Company Visit Sharia Banking Students To Bank Muamalat Indonesia

On Tuesday, July 4, 2023, the sharia banking study program at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta had the opportunity to hold a company visit to Bank Muamalat Indonesia. This company visit adds knowledge, experience, and broadens insight regarding the operational system of Islamic banking. This event was attended by 56 sharia banking students along with 4 accompanying lecturers Dr. Yuke Rahmawati S.Ag, M.Ag, Aini Masruroh, SE.I, MM, Umiyati, S.E.I, M.Sc, Muhammad Fadlillah Fauzukhaq, S.Pd.I, M.A. Departure to Muamalat Tower, South Jakarta City starts at 07.00 a.m. and the event starts from 09.00-13.00 p.m. The company visit began with a welcoming speech by Ms. Kurnia Haryakusuma as Head of Product Management BMI, then continued with remarks from Dr. Yuke Rahmawati S.Ag, M.Ag as the head of the sharia banking study program UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta said that the company visit to Bank Muamalat was to align academic learning with actual industrial conditions.  After that, it was followed by a presentation of material by Mr. Sulistyo Hadisampurno as the head of learning solution for BMI. The material discussed basic sharia banking, BMI history, BMI values and products. Besides that, Mr. Sulistyo also said that Bank Muamalat has a program that helps students gain experience in the world of work, namely the MIKO program and an internship program that active students can participate.