DPS Again Confers the 34th Doctoral Degree, Wirman: Social Function of Islamic Banking: Critical Analysis from the Perspective of Financial Reports
Friday (21/2/2025) The Islamic Banking Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, held an open doctoral promotion examination in the Postgraduate Meeting Room, Building I, FEB, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, for the 34th time. The promoter at this open examination was Wirman, a lecturer from a private university in Karawang, West Java. Wirman presented the results of his dissertation research entitled "Social Function of Islamic Banks: Critical Analysis from the Perspective of Financial Reports" in front of the examining team chaired by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif, S.E., M.Si.
The doctoral promotion hearing was also attended by Promoter Prof. Dr. Amilin, SE., Ak., M.Si, Co-Promoter I Dr. Rini, M.Si., Ak., CA, Examiner I Prof. Nur Hidayah, Ph.D, Examiner II Rahmawati, Ph.D and Expert Examiner Prof. Dr. Desmadi Saharuddin, MA.
Promovendus Wirman is a student of the Islamic Banking Doctoral study program, Class of 2018/2019. Furthermore, in the question and answer session by the examiners, promovendus Wirman was able to answer the entire series of questions from the examining team so that this hearing ran solemnly, smoothly and in a fairly short time. This Doctoral Promotion also presented H. Asep Muslihat, S.E., M.M who currently serves as Dean at the Faculty of Economics and Business UNISKA Karawang, West Java where Promovendus practices his knowledge. Promovendus was declared to have graduated with satisfactory grades and predicates and was entitled to hold a doctoral degree after presenting a dissertation entitled "Social Function of Islamic Banks: Critical Analysis from the Perspective of Financial Reports", and is the 34th Doctor in the Islamic Banking Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. (dsb)