Facing Digital Challenges: Rezki Rochmayani's Guest Lecture Reveals the Transformation of Virtual Offices in the Business World
Facing Digital Challenges: Rezki Rochmayani's Guest Lecture Reveals the Transformation of Virtual Offices in the Business World

Wednesday, 15 June 2023, the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, held an interesting guest lecture with the theme "Virtual Office" in the modern business world. The guest lecture delivered by Rezki Rochmayani as Country Manager of the Central Office company, was part of the Management Information Systems course meeting. This event was attended by 80 4th semester students of the Management Study Program, classes 4A and 4B. The event started at 10.00 am and opened with remarks from the Head of the Management Study Program, Murdiyah Hayati, S.Kom., M.M. On this occasion he said that "This guest lecture aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the concept and application of virtual offices in an increasingly digital business environment." After that, Rezki started his presentation by explaining the background to the creation of the virtual office concept and how it has influenced the business world in this modern era. In this guest lecture, Rezki also discussed the main benefits of a virtual office, such as reduced operational costs, work flexibility and better accessibility for employees. He also shared real-world examples of how big companies have adopted the virtual office concept and how it has changed their way of working. In addition, Mrs. Rezki highlighted the challenges that may arise in implementing a virtual office, such as the need for effective communication and collaboration between geographically separated team members. He provides practical advice on how to overcome these obstacles and ensure that the virtual office runs successfully. This guest lecture event also involved a question and answer session, where students were given the opportunity to ask Rezki questions. The lively and interactive discussion between Rezki and students opened new insights about the potential and challenges of using virtual offices in the business world. One of the students, Rizky, stated, "This guest lecture is very relevant to current business developments. I understand more about the potential and benefits of the virtual office after listening to Mrs. Rezki's presentation. I am sure this knowledge will be useful for me in the future." With this guest lecture, the Management Study Program at the University of the Faculty of Economics and Business provides a valuable learning experience for students, preparing them to face a business world that is increasingly connected digitally. Rezki Rochmayani's guest lecture on "Virtual Office" has provided valuable insight and inspired students.