FEB Again Successfully Releases 149 Students as Graduates
Thursday, February 20, 2025 FEB UIN Jakarta again successfully released 149 prospective graduates at ADIA Suites. This release was attended by the Dean's Office, Heads of Study Programs and Secretary of Study Programs, and representatives of Lecturers from the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
On this occasion, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam S.E., M.Sc., Ak., CA. as the Dean of FEB UIN Jakarta congratulated and also prayed that the steps of the graduates in the future would be more successful and that they would be given a long and healthy life. The Dean also expressed his gratitude to the Heads of Study Programs, the coordinators, and all lecturers who have guided and guided the students to this point.
Of the 149 graduation participants, there were 27 students from the Management Study Program, 29 students from the Accounting Study Program, 26 students from the Development Economics Study Program, 16 students from the Islamic Banking Study Program, 40 students from the Islamic Economics Study Program and were the largest number of graduation participants from all study programs, 7 students from the Islamic Banking Masters Study Program, and finally there were 4 students from the Islamic Banking Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta. The reading of the 102nd and 103rd graduation decrees of the 135th graduation was delivered by the Vice Dean I for Academic Affairs Dr. Sofyan Rizal M.Si. The event took place very solemnly and with a sense of emotion. Gratitude was also expressed by the best graduating student from the Faculty from the Islamic Economics Study Program in the name of. Sekar Pramesti Putri with NIM 11200860000030. The resource person for this activity is also an alumnus of the 2013 Sharia Economics Study Program, Andriawan Yoga., M.E. who currently works as an Expert for the Future of Increasing Financial Inclusion, Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs. The graduation ceremony was closed by an entertainment performance from The Floors band. (SRK).