FEB UIN Jakarta Lecturer Meeting: Transformation of Lectures and Strengthening of Academic Careers
FEB UIN Jakarta Lecturer Meeting: Transformation of Lectures and Strengthening of Academic Careers

Jakarta, February 21, 2025 - FEB held a Lecturer Meeting on Friday, February 21, 2025, which took place in the Theater Room on the 5th floor and was attended by the Dean, Head of Study Programs and Secretaries of S1, S2, S3, Head of Administration, Professors, Permanent and non-permanent lecturers, and Education Personnel. This meeting is an important forum in discussing the evaluation of learning in the odd semester of 2024/2025, and preparation for lectures in the even semester of 2024/2025 in order to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process.


Based on the rector's circular, lectures at UIN Jakarta during the month of Ramadhan 1446 H can be carried out online using the Zoom and/or Microsoft Teams platforms. As an adaptation measure, the faculty will provide special training for lecturers who will use Microsoft Teams software.

The lecturer meeting also invited a resource person, Mr. Muhammad Aziz Hakim, M.H. (Head of Sub-Directorate of Human Resources, Directorate of PTKI, Directorate General of Pendis, Ministry of Religious Affairs) with the theme "Strategy for Optimizing and Developing Human Resources at FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta".


The main issue related to the theme presented by the resource person is directed at strengthening the career ladder of lecturers which is the core of a lecturer's academic journey. Submission of Credit Generation Fulfillment (PAK) for promotion to functional positions has the opportunity in the period of April or May 2025. For the functional level of Professor, it is currently mandatory to take the competency test regulated by KMA 828/2024.

With this latest policy, FEB UIN Jakarta is further strengthening its commitment to presenting a flexible, digital-based lecture system that still prioritizes academic quality. In addition, improving the career ladder of lecturers is one of the main focuses, in order to produce academics who are professional, have integrity, and have high competitiveness.


This transformation is expected to bring a positive impact to the entire academic community and make FEB UIN Jakarta an innovative and superior center for economic and business education at national and international levels. (EA/DPZ/SRB)

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