Field Assessment of Islamic Economics Study Program: Eksyar Ready to Excel
Field Assessment of Islamic Economics Study Program: Eksyar Ready to Excel

In order to renew the accreditation status (re-accreditation), the Sharia Economics study program of the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta conducted a field assessment by assessors from the Independent Accreditation Institute for Economics, Management, Business and Accounting (LAMEMBA) on Thursday and Friday, March 20-21, 2025. Present as assessor 1, Prof. Dr. Agus Eko Sujianto, SE., MM from UIN Sayyid Ali Rahmatullah Tulungagung and assessor 2, Dr. Maftukhatusolikhah, M.Ag from UIN Raden Fatah Palembang.


The opening ceremony of the field assessment was attended by the Rector of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Prof. Asep Saepudin Jahar, MA., Ph.D who was accompanied by the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs, Prof. Dr. Ahmad Tholabi, MA., MH, Head of the Quality Assurance Institute (LPM) Prof. Dr. Khamami, MA, Head of LP2M Prof. Amelia Fauzia, MA., Ph.D, Head of PLKI Prof. Arif Zamhari M.Ag., Ph.D Head of Main Library Agus Rifai, Ph.D representatives of Pustipanda and other institutions.


From internal FEB, the Dean, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, M.Si Vice Dean 1 Dr. Sofyan Rizal, MM Vice Dean 2 Dr. Erika Amelia, M.Si Vice Dean 3 Dr. Asyari Hasan, M.Ag Head of Administration, Imam Thobroni, M.Si the Heads of Study Programs and Secretaries of Study Programs for S1, S2, S3 Heads of Labs and all lecturers especially in the Islamic economics study program.


Also present were FEB Professors, including Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia, M.Ag., Prof. Nur Hidayah, Ph.D., Prof. Dr. Arief Mufraeni, MA., Prof. Dr. Ade Sofyan Mulazid, MA., Prof. Dr. Desmadi Saharudin, MA., Prof. Dr. Nur Rianto Al Arif, M.Si.

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In his speech, the Chancellor conveyed the urgency of LAMEMBA accreditation for the Islamic Economics study program, where on the other hand several study programs at FEB have been internationally accredited such as ACQUIN and AACSB. "The Islamic Economics Study Program, FEB UIN Jakarta is one of the leading study programs at UIN Jakarta, so this re-accreditation is very important while encouraging the internationalization mission efforts that we have jointly planned," said the Chancellor. Assessor 1, Prof. Dr. Agus Eko Sujianto said that his arrival was 'only' to confirm the data and documents that had been submitted by the Islamic Economics study program to LAMEMBA. "We as assessors are present at FEB UIN Jakarta in order to confirm what has been conveyed by Mr. Ali Rama as the Head of the Islamic Economics Study Program, we ask for your assistance and cooperation," said Prof. Agus.

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According to the schedule, the field assessment process will end on Friday, March 21, 2025. God willing, we will achieve the best results. (AC)