Hoping for the sustainability of the Independent Campus
Hoping for the sustainability of the Independent Campus

FEB Online, Students are often unprepared to face socio-cultural changes, the world of work, and rapid technological advances when they have completed their studies. This is caused by students' lack of preparation for the various needs of the times. The concept of link and match is not only related to the needs of the industrial world and the world of work, but also to the demands of increasingly fast changing times.
Higher education institutions are required to be able to design and implement an innovative learning process so that students can achieve learning outcomes.
The Independent Campus Learning Program (MBKM) or known as the Merdeka Campus was officially launched by the Minister of Education and Culture in early 2020. This program is expected to be an answer to these demands.
The Merdeka Campus is one step in the transformation of education to create superior human resources in Indonesia. The Independent Campus Program has become one of the breakthrough initiatives in enriching the higher education ecosystem in Indonesia. With a concept that promotes autonomy, creativity and innovation, this program promises various benefits that can form a superior generation that is ready to face global challenges.
Since its introduction, the Independent Campus Program has become a major highlight in efforts to transform higher education in Indonesia. However, amidst the resounding enthusiasm, the question that arises is how the sustainability of this program can be guaranteed and how it will contribute to the progress of Indonesian education in the future. One of the things that is highly anticipated is the consistent implementation of the core principles of the Independent Campus Program.

Student Autonomy
The concept of student autonomy in determining the study curriculum, partnerships with industry, and emphasis on developing soft skills must remain the main focus in every step forward. By maintaining this continuity, the Independent Campus Program can continue to have a significant impact in improving the quality of higher education in Indonesia.
The independent campus program provides students with the opportunity to develop their abilities and explore the world outside campus according to their interests and talents. There are eight independent campus activities that students can take part in. First, a certified internship program. Students will have the opportunity to learn and develop themselves for 1-2 semesters through direct work experience in industry. Some forms of internship are structured so that they can be directly converted into courses, and some are free.
Second, certified independent study. This program is aimed at students who want to hone the competencies sought by the world of business and industry through activities outside of lectures. Third, student exchange. Students can take part in lecture activities at other campuses, both national and international. Fourth, teach in an educational unit. Students will become partners with teachers to innovate in learning, develop strategies, and design creative, innovative and fun learning models in various schools in Indonesia.
Fifth, research or research program. This program is aimed at training students' critical thinking and innovation skills. Sixth, students can develop humanitarian activities independently to overcome existing problems according to their respective interests and skills. Seventh, by opening opportunities for students to learn and develop as potential entrepreneurs through activities outside of lectures.
Finally, students will be taught to actively contribute to society through thematic KKN or village development programs. This program not only sharpens soft skills, but also builds cross-disciplinary collaboration and student leadership in managing development programs in rural areas.

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Curriculum Freedom
There are several benefits obtained by students from implementing the Independent Campus Program. One of the main benefits of the Independent Campus Program is that it gives students the freedom to organize their own study curriculum. This way, they can adapt their learning to their individual interests, talents and career goals. This opens up opportunities for students to develop special skills that suit the needs of the job market, thereby increasing their competitiveness in the world of work.
Apart from that, the Independent Campus Program also encourages collaboration between universities, industry and society. Through this partnership, students can engage in practical projects relevant to the world of work, so they gain real-world experience and build valuable professional networks. Thus, graduates of this program not only have theoretical knowledge, but also the practical skills needed to be successful in their careers.
Not only that, the Independent Campus Program also pays special attention to the development of soft skills such as creativity, critical thinking abilities and leadership. This is important because these skills are the main capital in facing rapid and complex changes in the current digital era. By strengthening these soft skills, students will become tough and adaptive individuals in facing future challenges.