IIUM-GSM Working Visit to FEB UIN Jakarta
IIUM-GSM Working Visit to FEB UIN Jakarta

The Faculty of Economics and Business at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta received a visit from the International Islamic University Malaysia Postgraduate School of Management (IIUM-GSM). This activity will be held on Tuesday, June 5 2024 at 14.00 WIB at the FEB UIN Jakarta Meeting room.

This activity aims to build stronger academic relationships and explore new collaboration opportunities between the two institutions. This event was attended by 3 staff representatives from IIUM-GSM, Dean of FEB UIN Jakarta, Prof. Dr. Ibn Qizam M.Si. Ak. CA, as well as deputy deans and lecturers of FEB UIN Jakarta. It is hoped that this productive discussion can pave the way for various academic programs and collaborations in the future.