Internal Meeting of Islamic Economics Study Program Discusses Curriculum Revision
Internal Meeting of Islamic Economics Study Program Discusses Curriculum Revision

Jakarta, 21 Feb 2025 – The Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held an internal meeting regarding the curriculum revision on Friday, 21 February 2025. The meeting took place in the Smart Class Room, FEB UIN Jakarta from 09.00 to 11.30 WIB and was attended by lecturers of the Sharia Economics Study Program, namely Ali Rama, PhD., RR. Tini Anggraeni, ST., M.Sc., Dwi Nur'aini Ihsan, M.M., Dr. Mohammad Lutfi, Dr. Sopyan Rizal, and Dr. Nofrianto, M.Ag. This meeting discussed the curriculum structure of the Sharia Economics Study Program, with one focus on aligning it with the Development Economics curriculum in the FEB UIN Jakarta environment, as well as the curriculum in the Sharia Economics Masters Program. Ali Rama, PhD., as the Head of the Study Program, said that this curriculum revision is a routine four-yearly activity that aims to adjust to the development of Islamic economics and external business dynamics.

"This curriculum revision is important to ensure that graduates of the Islamic Economics Study Program have competencies that are in accordance with the needs of industry and academia, and remain rooted in the Islamic vision and character that are the hallmarks of this study program," said Ali Rama.
In addition, this revision also aims to emphasize the characteristics of graduates who are expected to have excellence in the field of Islamic economics. Several new courses that are relevant to the latest developments in Islamic economics will also be included in the new curriculum structure, to ensure that students gain broader and more applicable insights according to the needs of the job market and academia.
With this revision, the Islamic Economics Study Program FEB UIN Jakarta hopes to continue to contribute to producing graduates who are not only superior in economics, but also have strong Islamic values ​​in their practices in the professional and academic world.(ar)