Lecturers with Doctoral Degrees Increase in Management Study Program, FEB UIN Jakarta: Spatial Effects of Capital, Assets and Earnings of Islamic Banking and Their Influence on Economic Growth in Asia
Thursday (25/7/2024) The Faculty of Economics and Business, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, Islamic Banking Doctoral Study Program held an open doctoral promotion exam in the Postgraduate Meeting Room, Building I, FEB, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta. On this occasion, Promovendus Supriyono presented the results of his dissertation research entitled "Spatial Effects of Capital, Assets and Earnings of Islamic Banking and Their Influence on Economic Growth in Asia" in front of the examining team chaired by Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nur Rianto Al Arif M.Si. Promovendus is a lecturer in the Management study program at the Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta.
The doctoral promotion hearing was also attended by the examining team Promoter Prof. Dr. Abdul Hamid MS., Co-Promoter I Prof. Dr. M. Arief Mufraini, Lc., M.Sc., Examiner I Prof. Dr. Lukman, M.Sc., Examiner II Ali Rama SE., M.Ec., Ph.D., and Expert Examiner Prof. Dr. Ahmad Rodoni, MM. In delivering his presentation, the promovendus presented the results of his research comprehensively and smoothly so that this doctoral promotion hearing ran very solemnly and sacredly.
Next in the question and answer session by the examiners, the candidate Supriyono was able to answer clearly and directly so that the trial also ran smoothly and did not take too long. The candidate was declared to have passed with a Very Satisfactory Predicate and was entitled to a doctoral degree after presenting a dissertation entitled "The Spatial Effect of Capital, Assets and Earnings of Islamic Banking and Their Influence on Economic Growth in Asia", and is the 27th Doctor in the Islamic Banking Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta.(acad)