Management Study Program holds Outcome Based Education (OBE) Standard Curriculum Evaluation Workshop
Management Study Program holds Outcome Based Education (OBE) Standard Curriculum Evaluation Workshop

On Monday, August 5, 2024, the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta successfully held a Curriculum Evaluation Workshop Based on Outcome Based Education (OBE) which took place in the Main Meeting Room, 2nd Floor, New FEB Building. The event, which started at 13.00 WIB, began with remarks by Mrs. Murdiyah Hayati, S.Kom., MM, as the Head of the Management Study Program. In her remarks, Mrs. Murdiyah emphasized the importance of this workshop to align perceptions regarding the OBE curriculum by learning directly from the drafting team and invited speakers to share knowledge and experiences. The Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, SE., M.Sc., Ak., CA. also gave a speech. He hopes that this workshop will be able to clarify various views regarding OBE and emphasize the importance of sharing experiences with other universities. He also emphasized the need for alignment of perceptions about graduate profiles, learning outcomes, study materials, and the formulation of the number of credits, with the hope that the OBE curriculum can be implemented immediately in the Faculty of Economics and Business.


The event continued with a prayer reading by Dr. H. Ahmad Dumyathi Bashori, M.A., and a photo session with the dean before entering the core discussion. The core of the event was moderated by Dr. Suhendra, M.M., who opened the session by introducing the resource person, Mrs. Dr. agr. Ir. Sri Peni Wastutiningsih who is a UGM Lecturer, and one of the team compiling the Higher Education Curriculum Compilation Guidelines. Mrs. Peni began her discussion with an analogy of how difficult it is to unite two thumbs, let alone change the curriculum, emphasizing that curriculum changes require cooperation from all parties. Mrs. Peni explained that one of the main references in this material is Law No. 12 of 2012 concerning the Higher Education System and Permendikbud Ristek No. 33 of 2023 concerning Quality Assurance of Higher Education. She also highlighted the importance of three national standards in higher education: SN Research, SN Education, and SN Community Service. In her discussion, Ms. Peni emphasized the importance of several skills in the context of OBE, such as innovation, collaboration, and adaptability. At Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), all MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka) programs must be approved by academic supervisors and study programs in order to be officially recognized. The main principle in OBE is the alignment between CPL (Graduate Learning Outcomes) with the curriculum design and learning opportunities available. Ms. Peni also discussed the regulations related to Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka, which are regulated in Article 16 of Permendikbud No. 53 of 2023. At UGM, since 2020, the MBKM program has been implemented, where students who study outside the study program also receive credits. The higher education curriculum is expected to support the development of noble morals and student involvement in intra- and extra-campus organizations. She also explained that at UGM, all students are required to join organizations because the world of work highlights the lack of public speaking skills among graduates. This policy is stated in the Diploma Accompanying Statement (SKPI) based on alumni experience. Ms. Peni emphasized that OBE helps achieve Expected Learning Outcomes (ELOs) with constructive alignment between CPL and the assessment process.


The discussion also included questions from Ms. Murdiyah regarding the differences between the educational objectives of the program and the vision and mission of the study program. The resource person explained that the vision and mission of the study program focus on the knowledge that is to be developed, while the Program Educational Objectives (PEO) reflect the expectations of graduates in three to five years after graduation. The workshop also discussed the OBE Guidebook and study materials, including evaluations of courses that do not have CPL or have the potential to be reconstructed. The resource person suggested focusing on CPL which is then translated into CPMK (Course Learning Outcomes) and sub-CPMK. Ms. Peni explained that UGM uses book references to compile parts of the CPL and this is considered valid as long as it is relevant. The event was closed with a conclusion from the moderator and a thank you from Mrs. Murdiyah Hayati, followed by the awarding of certificates to the speakers and moderators represented by lecturers from the management study program, as well as a group photo session before ending the productive and informative workshop.

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