Public Discussion on Strengthening Sharia Economic Institutions: Towards Indonesia as a World Sharia Financial Center
Public Discussion on Strengthening Sharia Economic Institutions: Towards Indonesia as a World Sharia Financial Center

The Wednesday Hijrah collaboration with FEB, and P2EKS UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Public Discussion with the theme "Strengthening Sharia Economic Institutions" on Wednesday, 22 May 2024. This discussion discussed the importance of strengthening institutions as part of strengthening the Indonesian Sharia Economic Ecosystem and Infrastructure.

In the discussion, the speakers agreed that strengthening sharia economic institutions is very important to realize Indonesia's vision of becoming a world sharia financial center. This can be achieved through synergy and collaboration between various institutions, including the National Committee for Sharia Economics and Finance (KNEKS).

One of the important points discussed was the need for KNEKS to upgrade its status from a "Committee" to an "independent" body. This aims to ensure that KNEKS has stronger authority in carrying out its duties and functions, such as in encouraging the development of sharia economics in Indonesia.

According to the speakers, with institutional strengthening and synergy between institutions, Indonesia's vision of becoming a World Sharia Financial Center will soon be realized in the not too distant future.

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The following are several important points from the Public Discussion on Strengthening Sharia Economic Institutions:

Strengthening sharia economic institutions is very important to realize Indonesia's vision of becoming a world sharia financial center.
Synergy and collaboration between various institutions needs to be carried out to strengthen the Indonesian Sharia Economic Ecosystem and Infrastructure.
KNEKS needs to have its status upgraded to become an independent body to have stronger authority in encouraging sharia economic development.
By strengthening institutions and synergy between institutions, Indonesia's vision of becoming a World Sharia Financial Center will soon be realized in the not too distant future.
It is hoped that this Public Discussion can contribute to strengthening the sharia economy in Indonesia and realizing Indonesia's vision of becoming a World Sharia Financial Center.

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