Sharia Economics Study Program: Practitioners Teaching about the Sharia Digital Ecosystem at Indonesian Sharia Bank
Sharia Economics Study Program: Practitioners Teaching about the Sharia Digital Ecosystem at Indonesian Sharia Bank

Jakarta, 31 May 2024 – The Sharia Economics Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University, Jakarta, carried out Teaching Practitioner activities regarding the Sharia Digital Ecosystem at Bank Syariah Indonesia. This activity was held on Friday, May 31 2024 with the resource person Mr. Wijayanto as Digital Banking & E-Channel Operation Group Head of Bank Syariah Indonesia. This activity was guided by Sharia Economics Lecturer, Mrs. Dwi Nur'aini Ihsan S.E., M.M. The Teaching Practitioner activity is aimed at Semester 6 students of the Sharia Economics Study Program who are taking Digital Business courses, but does not exclude other students who wish to join.


Pak Wijayanto said that digitalization should be considered as a booster, not as a threat. The technical definition of digitalization is the process of changing information from analog format to digital format so that it is easier to access, store and share. However, according to Mr. Wijayanto, digitalization is a change/shifting paradigm that leads to the emergence of a new order, a new leadership style and ultimately produces a new culture.

Digitalization has a significant influence on ways of thinking that influence attitude, intention and behavior. From this digitalization process, it can be seen that digitalization can change the habitual behavior of people past and present. An example is work activities that were previously carried out WFO (Work From Office). However, with digitalization, work has many alternatives, such as WFH (Work From Home), WFA (Work From Anywhere), Virtual Office, and Co-Working Space.


The internet and digital literacy level of the Indonesian people in January 2023 shows quite good figures. Of Indonesia's total population of 276.4 million, the total number of mobile phones connected to the internet reached 353.8 million (128% of the total population). Then the total internet use of Indonesian people takes an average of 7 hours 42 minutes.


Pak Wijayanto said that the digital economy needs to exist in Indonesia to continue to adapt to change. Economic players need to continue to innovate regarding new business models such as Financial Technology, Digital Government, E-Commerce, Trade Marketplace, and others. Apart from new business models, economic actors also need to pay attention to Emerging Technologies, which includes Cloud, Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and others. If economic actors are unable to adopt the two things above, then there will be no digital economy. Seeing that Indonesia has a large Muslim population (87.2% of the total population), there is great potential and opportunity to carry out the process of digitalizing the Islamic ecosystem.


Sharia banks are one of the institutions that can adopt this digitalization process to continue their business processes. Examples of forms of digitalization that can be carried out by sharia banks are digitalization of business processes, digitalization of business partnerships, and digitalization of services.


With the existing potential, Bank Syariah Indonesia is taking advantage of this to adopt digitalization as a form of adaptation to meet community needs. Almost all services at Bank Syariah Indonesia have adopted digital services so that people are able to use products and services without having to come directly to the office. With this digitalization, the process becomes faster, more effective and efficient.



