Sharia Economics Study Program: Teaching Practitioners about Fundamental Analysis
Sharia Economics Study Program: Teaching Practitioners about Fundamental Analysis

Jakarta, 11 June 2024 – The Sharia Economics Study Program at Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta is again holding Practical Teaching activities with the theme "Basic Fundamental Analysis". This event presented Mr. Denny Noviandi, Partnership Associate from Mandiri Sekuritas, as a resource person. The activity took place in Theater 2, 5th Floor, New Building, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), and was attended by students of the Sharia Economics Study Program class of 2023, especially those taking the Introduction to Accounting course with lecturer Mrs. Dr. Erika Amelia, S.E., M.Sc.

This activity discusses various fundamental aspects that an investor must understand to be successful in the investment world. The material presented includes fundamental analysis that reviews company performance and the factors that influence it, such as balance sheets, profit and loss statements, cash flows, changes in capital, and financial report notes. Apart from that, various important financial ratios such as Earning per Share (EPS), Price to Earning Ratio (PER), Price to Book Value (PBV), Return on Equity (ROE), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), and Dividend Yield ( DY) is also discussed to help comprehensive company evaluation.

Apart from company analysis and financial ratios, Mr Denny Noviandi also explained about mutual funds and their types, including money market, fixed income, mixed and shares. The selection of investment instruments based on the risk profile is also described, including cash & secure strategies (savings, deposits, money market mutual funds, and government bonds), growth & stable (precious metals, property, corporate bonds, and fixed income mutual funds), and growth & aggressive (equity and stock mutual funds). Stock opportunities and risks, including capital gains, dividends, company liquidation risk, and stock delisting, are also the main focus. Stock selection methods using a top-down and bottom-up approach, as well as an understanding of economic indicators such as leading indicators and lagging indicators are also presented to provide students with a comprehensive picture.

This activity went smoothly, where the students were very enthusiastic and actively discussed in the forum. Lively and interactive discussions made the discussion develop well, reflecting their high interest and understanding of the material presented. Dr. Erika Amelia, S.E., M.Sc., as a lecturer in the Introduction to Accounting course, appreciated the presence of Mr. Denny Noviandi and emphasized the importance of this kind of activity in providing practical insight to students. "Through this activity, students can understand more deeply about fundamental analysis which is very useful in the real world of investment," he said.

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