Technical Assistance for Undergraduate Sharia Banking Proposal Seminars
Technical Assistance for Undergraduate Sharia Banking Proposal Seminars

Jakarta, November 4, 2024 - In an effort to support final year students in compiling quality and systematic final assignments, the Islamic Banking Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta held a Technical Guidance Proposal Seminar. This activity aims to assist and guide students in compiling their thesis proposals. The first material was delivered by lecturer Santi Yustini SE ., M.Ak regarding the compilation of CHAPTER 1 and CHAPTER 2. CHAPTER 1 includes the development of sub-chapters such as background to the problem, problem identification, problem formulation, objectives, benefits of research, and research limitations. Each sub-chapter is discussed using the 5W + 1H approach to make it easier for students to write the contents of the sub-chapter. Furthermore, CHAPTER 2 contains sub-chapters consisting of theories related to research, previous research, frameworks of thought, and the relationship between variables and hypotheses. According to Santi Yustini SE ., M.Ak In compiling CHAPTER 1 and CHAPTER 2, students are expected to read more from various references. Reference sources include theses, dissertations, journals, books, newspapers, magazines, news and surrounding phenomena.

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The next material was delivered by Dr. Muhammad Fadlillah Fauzukhaq, MA regarding the preparation of CHAPTER 3 and CHAPTER 4. In CHAPTER 3, he explained the samples, population, and what data can be used and how to use them, such as secondary data or primary data. In addition, he also explained the methods and techniques that can be used in preparing research proposals. In preparing CHAPTER 4, Dr. Muhammad Fadlillah Fauzukhaq, MA advised students to utilize applications that can facilitate the preparation of CHAPTER 4. This application is used to manage and analyze data in order to obtain accurate and objective research results.

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