The Influence of Company Assets on the Profitability of Companies Listed on the Sharia Stock Index and Conventional Stock Index
The Influence of Company Assets on the Profitability of Companies Listed on the Sharia Stock Index and Conventional Stock Index

Friday, January 5 2024 in the courtroom on the 3rd floor of the FEB Postgraduate building, campus 1 Jl.Ir. H. Djuanda No.95 Ciputat, Master of Sharia Banking FEB UIN Jakarta Holds Thesis Examination.

Eldwin Muhammad, a man born in Jakarta, is a student of the Sharia Banking Masters Program (MPS) FEB UIN Jakarta. Eldwin wrote a thesis entitled "The Influence of Company Assets on the Profitability of Companies Listed on the Sharia Stock Index and Conventional Stock Index". The exam which took place on Friday was chaired by Dr. Ir. Roikhan M Aziz., MM, with Secretary Hemmy Fauzan, S.E., M.M, and Supervisor I Dr. Herni Ali HT, SE., M.M, and Supervisor II Dr. Sofyan Rizal, M.Si, the Expert Examiner is Dr. Indoyama Nasaruddin, SE., MAB

This research aims to analyze the effect of company asset management on the profitability of companies listed on the JII sharia stock index and the LQ45 conventional stock index. There are 3 independent variables, namely debt to asset ratio (DAR), fixed asset turnover (FAT), and total asset turnover (TATO), as well as return on assets (ROA) as the dependent variable. Using a purposive sampling technique, 9 issuers were selected from each stock index or a total of 18 issuers as the research population.

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This research period has a period of 10 years, namely from 2013 to 2022 so that the total research sample is 180 samples. The data analysis method used in this research is panel data regression with the classic assumption test as a test of the feasibility of the data.

The results of this study show that DAR has no significant effect on ROA in the JII sample, but has a significant negative effect on ROA in the LQ45 sample. FAT does not have a significant effect on ROA in both samples. TATO has a positive and significant effect on ROA in both samples.

With the thesis he had written, Eldwin Muhammad received the Best Thesis Award at the 131st Graduation. (SRK)