The International Accreditation Workshop: Road to AACSB
The International Accreditation Workshop: Road to AACSB

Thursday, 13 July 2023 the AACSB International Accreditation Workshop was held. AACSB, the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is the oldest business school accreditation body in the world based in the United States. Currently only about 5% of the thousands of business schools around the world have successfully achieved AACSB accreditation. The resource person for this activity was Arief Wibisono Lubis, Ph.D (Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) University of Indonesia). This activity was moderated by Zuhairan Yunmi Yunan, Ph.D (Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta). Mr. Arief explained the experience of FEB at the University of Indonesia in the process of applying for AACSB international accreditation. He explained the steps that must be taken in the AACSB accreditation process and the things that must be prepared if we want to apply for international accreditation at AACSB. Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, M.Si as the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Business at UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta said that this AACSB international accreditation will be a long-term target that must be achieved by the Faculty. Therefore, this activity is the first step to start mapping various things that must be prepared by the faculty.