The Mini-Social Enterprise for Economic Development (Mini-SEED) in Prince of Songkla University Pattani, Thailand.
The Mini-Social Enterprise for Economic Development (Mini-SEED) in Prince of Songkla University Pattani, Thailand.

Wednesday, 23rd of August 5 students representative from each major from Faculty of Economic and Business, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta departed by the Dean Prof. Dr. Ibnu Qizam, SE., M.Si., Ak., CA, Vice Dean 1 Zuhairan Yunmi Yunan, Ph.D., Vice Dean 2 Dr. Erika Amelia, S.E., M.Si., Vice Dean 3 Dr. Asyari Hasan, S.H.I., M.Ag., and supervisor Cut Erika Ananda Fatimah, S.E., M.B.A. to Hat Yai, Thailand to joining mini SEED program in Prince of Songkla University Pattani for 7 days. There are Laila Mutiara from management, Jasmin Darussalam from Accounting, Annisa Dzakiah Karimah from Shariah Economics, Muhammad Irfan Arroyan from Syariah Banking, and Ahmad Ajmal Nawafil from Economics Development.

The Mini-Social Enterprise for Economic Development (Mini-SEED) is a cross-cultural program utilizing social entrepreneurship as means towards economic process. This remarkable program leverages the power of social entrepreneurship to fuel economic progress, bringing together students from across the globe to collaborate, explore, and develop real-time business models. This year's cohort consisted of approximately 65 students, hailing not only from Indonesia but also from UMK Malaysia and Prince of Songkla University in Thailand.

The opening ceremony begins on the next day, with the introduction of the program and the history of SEED international program. The program was continued with a villagers visit. A village visit allowed participants to engage with locals, conduct interviews, and witness the manufacturing process behind various products. All participants were given some material about lean canvas model business as a provision for making a business planing. All materials is directly implemented with the guidance of group mentors.

The next agenda, on 27-28 August 2023, participants are invited to go trip to Koh Chamit Santi 2. The trip is about 5 hours by car and boat, and we stayed in a camp.

Afterwards, each teams continue product preparation for presentation on Wednesday, 30 August 2023. The presentation was made in front of 3 judges and each of them gave any comments and suggestions.

The programs ended by awarding and closing ceremony, celebrating the students' exceptional efforts. Each group was recognized for their unique contributions, with awards such as The Best Implementing Product, The Best Creative Design, The Best Benefit to the Community, The Best Presentation, and The Best Innovation, inspiring them to continue making a positive impact in the world of social entrepreneurship.


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