Visiting Lecturer of Management Study Program: Growing Innovation-Based Entrepreneurship Through Business Incubation Program
Visiting Lecturer of Management Study Program: Growing Innovation-Based Entrepreneurship Through Business Incubation Program

Ciputat, November 29, 2024, the Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) of Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta held a Visiting Lecture activity with the theme of Growing Innovation-Based Entrepreneurship Through Business Incubation Programs. This event was attended by students of the Management Study Program and lecturers, with the aim of introducing the concept and application of business incubation in the world of entrepreneurship. The activity began with remarks from the Head of the Management Study Program, who expressed his appreciation for the implementation of this visiting lecture and emphasized the importance of students' understanding of innovation-based entrepreneurship in facing industry challenges in the digital era.

The event started at exactly 08.00 with a registration session, where participants began to arrive and register themselves. Furthermore, at 08.30, the event was opened by the MC and continued with singing the Indonesian National Anthem and the UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta Hymn at 08.35, which was attended by all participants and invited guests. A solemn atmosphere was created, marking the start of the seminar with a national and academic spirit. After the opening, the event continued with a prayer reading from 08.40 to 08.45 to ask for smoothness and blessings during the event.

Mrs. Murdiyah Hayati, S.Kom., M.M, as the Head of the Management Study Program, delivered the opening remarks. In her remarks, Mrs. Murdiyah conveyed the importance of this event in providing space for students to learn and discuss the challenges faced in the digital era in the product innovation process, as well as how the incubation process starts from thinking about the problem until the product is ready to be marketed.


The presentation session was delivered by Dr. Rambat Lupiyoadi, SE. ME, an expert in digital entrepreneurship and innovation. In this material session, Mr. Rambat presented material on Growing Innovation-Based Entrepreneurs Through Business Incubation Programs, where he emphasized that innovation and the right business incubation process will bring participants not only as entrepreneurs, but also make participants innovators and initiators in their fields. On this occasion, Mr. Rambat also shared his experience as a lecturer at the University of Indonesia. He explained how the University of Indonesia in the business incubation program provides support in the form of knowledge and resources needed by University of Indonesia students in realizing their business innovations.


The seminar was closed with a group photo and certificate presentation at 11.30. Then continued with a prayer at 11.40. This seminar is expected to open the participants' insights on how they innovate and ensure that the results of the innovation are realized until the benefits can be felt by the community or consumers. Overall, this event went smoothly and successfully, and provided great benefits for all participants who attended.

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