P2EKS-FEB UIN Jakarta collaborates with the Ministry of Communication and Information to Hold Digital Entrepreneurship Training
P2EKS-FEB UIN Jakarta collaborates with the Ministry of Communication and Information to Hold Digital Entrepreneurship Training

Ciputat, 26 June 2024

The Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and the Sharia Economic and Financial Development Center (P2EKS/Sharia Economic and Financial Development Center) FEB UIN Jakarta in collaboration with the Ministry of Communication and Information held a Digital Talent Academy (DTA) on Wednesday until Friday, 26-28 June 2024 at the FEB UIN Jakarta campus. The DTA program is a training scholarship aimed at students, the general public, prospective Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), as well as MSME business actors who want to move up in class in terms of utilizing digital technology to improve their business. This training aims to encourage the improvement of digital skills from basic to intermediate for prospective MSME entrepreneurs and MSME entrepreneurs. This academy targets participants from the general public who want to start a business, as well as MSMEs.

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At the DTA opening ceremony which was held on Wednesday morning, 26 June 2024, the Dean of FEB, Prof. Ibnu Qizam, appreciated the Ministry of Communication and Information for choosing and entrusting FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a partner in organizing this Digital Talent Scholarship. Meanwhile, KemKomInfo's speech was delivered by the Head of BPSDMP (Human Resources Development and Research Center, Mr. Dea Rachman, ST, M.Sc., he also expressed his appreciation and appreciation to FEB UIN Jakarta and P2EKS who were willing to collaborate in organizing the Digital Entrepreneurship Academy He hopes that this collaboration will continue to be developed for other programs to develop the potential of Human Resources in Indonesia in responding to the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

At the DTA opening ceremony, the Cooperation Implementing Agreement between FEB and P2EKS and KemKomInfo was also signed. Implementing this Agreement is further implementation of the Cooperation Agreement between UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta and KemKomInfo. This signing was also witnessed by Prof. Nur Hidayah, as DTA coordinator from UIN Jakarta and Deputy Chair of P2EKS and Mr. Abdul Ghofur and Mrs. Bellina, from KemKomInfo, and FEB lecturers who administer P2EKS and DTA participants. At this initial stage, DTA is implemented in the form of a Digital Entrepreneurship Academy (DEA) which is divided into Conventional DEA and Sharia DEA. Conventional DEA is carried out for 2 days while Sharia DEA is carried out for 1 day. Conventional DEA was given to 75 participants consisting of students and MSMEs. Meanwhile, DEA Syariah was given to 100 student participants and MSMEs. After this training, participants will receive assistance for 2 weeks by mentors from KemKomInfo.

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At the DTA opening ceremony, the Dean of FEB, Prof. Ibnu Qizam, appreciated KemKomInfo for choosing and entrusting FEB UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta as a partner in organizing this Digital Talent Scholarship. Meanwhile, KemKomInfo's speech was delivered by the Head of the BPSDMP (Human Resources Development and Research Center, Mr. Dea Rachman, ST, M.Sc., he also expressed his appreciation and appreciation to FEB UIN Jakarta and P2EKS who were willing to collaborate in organizing the Digital Entrepreneurship Academy He hopes that this collaboration will continue to be developed for other programs to develop the potential of Human Resources in Indonesia in responding to the challenges of the Industrial Revolution 4.0.

In this opening event, P2EKS also presented Prof Minako Sakai from The University of New South Wales, Australia as the keynote speaker. In her speech, Prof Minako Sakai highlighted the important role of technology in this era of disruption, especially in the business sector. With digital skills, MSMEs can run their business more effectively and efficiently by reaching customers across regions and even countries. According to him, through digital entrepreneurship, MSMEs can contribute to increasing GDP and absorbing labor. Therefore, he appreciated this program and gave encouragement to the participants. All parties hope that this program will continue to be developed to further increase the percentage of entrepreneurs in Indonesia who contribute to improving the nation's welfare.
Author: Nur Hidayah/FEB UIN Jakarta

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